Formatter for Gherkin Files

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This tool formats gherkin files.


run gherkin_format on a list of files

gherkin_format FEATURE_FILES

To replace files with their formatted counterpart add the option --replace.

To get detailed information in case of errors use --verbose.

To format gherkin files using a custom format, it's possible to specify a template using --template TEMPLATE. The template provided is a erb-template.

These templates are predefined:

  • markdown
  • multi_markdown

Usage with Docker

Assuming there are feature files in the current directory. Then call.

docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/src -w /src gherkin/format *.feature

This will mount the current directory within the Gherkin Format Docker Container and then check all feature files.


Install it with:

sudo gem install gherkin_format

After that gherkin_format executable is available.