Generate Gemfile.lock from a .gems file

If you use any of the utilities that manage .gems file for ruby instead of bundler (such as dep, rpm, or similar tools), and want to use tools that assume you use Bundler (for example, deploying to Heroku), you can easily generate a Gemfile.lock file from your .gems file using this tool.

This is what I put in my Makefile:

Gemfile: .gems
    echo "source \"\"" > $@
    echo "ruby \"$(shell ruby -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION')\"" >> $@
    awk '{ print "gem \"" $$1 "\", \"" $$3 "\"" }' $< >> $@

Gemfile.lock: .gems
    genlock $< > $@

Now, whenever my .gems file changes, make will ensure I have the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock files available for whatever tools that require them.


Clone the repository, then run make install. You can run ./configure --prefix <prefix> if you want to change the install location (by default /usr/local).

...Or you can download the binary and drop it in your PATH, really. No need for anything fancy :)


Distributed under an MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.