Gem Version

Master branch: Build Status Coveralls Status Code Climate

Staging branch: Build Status Coveralls Status

Build State

This project uses continuous integration to help ensure that a quality product is delivered. Travis CI monitors two branches (versions) of the code:

  • Master (which is what gets released)
  • Staging (which is what is currently being developed ready for moving to master).

Ruby Versions

This gem supports the following versions of ruby, it may work on other versions but is not tested against them so don't rely on it.

  • ruby:
    • 2.6.0 - 2.6.3
  • jruby, once it's reached parity with ruby 2.6.x

Gandi V5

Make use of Gandi's V5 API. See the table in the Versioning section to see what Gandi API Changes each version is current for.

Gandi say: "Please note that this API is currently in BETA testing, so care should be taken when used in production."

But then you were going to be careful anyway as this gem is currently in the version 0.something range weren't you!

Details of the API can be found at:


If you're using bundler then add it to your Gemfile and run the bundle command.

gem 'gandi_v5', '~> 0.1'

If you're not using bundler then install it from the command line.

gem install gandi_v5 -v '~> 0.1'



You'll need you Gandi API KEY, you can get this by logging into Gandi and navigating to User Settings -> Change password & configure access restrictions.

require 'gandi_v5'    # Unless you're using Bundler
GandiV5.api_key = '' # Unless you've set it in the environment variable GANDI_API_KEY



# Get an array of all your domains.
domains =

# Since each domain has only basic information, lets get all of the information.!(&:refresh)

TODO: More examples!


We follow the Semantic Versioning concept.

Gem Version Gandi API Release Date
0.1.0 2019-05-16

See to find out what Gandi changed on each date.