
FuncBot is a Rails gem built on top of the ruby-openai gem. It allows you to easily create chatbots that can answer questions by calling on functions you define. It's goal is to provide a simple interface to consume OpenAI's Function Calling API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "func_bot"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install func_bot


rails g func_bot:install

  • Make sure to add your OpenAI API key to your credentials file or update the config/initializers/openai.rb file accordingly.
  api_key: your-private-key


  • Generate a new function
rails g func_bot:function <function_name>
  • Update your new function in the list of functions in app/lib/func_bot/functions/list.yml.
    • This list of functions will be available to the bot with every request.
    • Adding good descriptions to the functions will help the bot infer when to use which function.
  • If the user asks a question that is not related to a function in your list, the bot will just ask ChatGPT.
  • A function can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be. Your bot will process the results and express them to the user.
  • All functions must have an execute method.
  • Here's a sample function that returns the current weather for the given location.
  module FuncBot
    module Functions
      class WeatherFunction < BaseFunction
        def execute
          weather_info = {
            location: parsed_response["location"],
            temperature: 98,
            forecast: ["sunny", "windy"]

  • The parsed_response and response methods are available to all functions.
    • parsed_response is a hash that contains the response relevant to your function from OpenAI.
    • response is the raw response from OpenAI.
  • Functions also have access to the bot attribute which returns the instance of the bot that called the function.

    • This is useful if you need to access the bot's history or other methods.
    • There might be times when you need to ask gpt a question from within a function, but you don't want to trigger the functions again. You can set the bot.include_functions attribute to false before asking the question and then set it back to true after.

bin/rails c

irb(main):001:0> bot =
=> #<FuncBot::Bot:0x0000000105ecd8e8 @history=#<FuncBot::Bots::History:0x0000000105ecd848 @history=[]>>
irb(main):002:0> bot.ask "What's the weather like in Miami, FL?"
=> "The current weather in Miami, FL is sunny and windy with a temperature of 98 degrees."
irb(main):006:0> bot.include_functions = false
=> false
irb(main):007:0> bot.ask "What's the weather like in Miami, FL today?"
=> "I'm sorry, I cannot provide real-time information as my responses are generated based on pre-existing data. Please check a reliable weather source for the most up-to-date information on the weather in Miami, FL."


cd spec/dummy
bundle exec rspec


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.