Integration Exercise: Java Library Wrapper

Exercise Summary

  • You should create a gem using JRuby that wraps an existing Java library.
  • Your gem should work with a Java library that doesn't already have a good wrapper.
  • You should make the API for your library look and feel like Ruby, not Java.

A JRuby wrapper for FreeTTS

FreeTTS is a speech synthesis system written entirely in the JavaTM programming language. It is based upon Flite: a small run-time speech synthesis engine developed at Carnegie Mellon University. Flite is derived from the Festival Speech Synthesis System from the University of Edinburgh and the FestVox project from Carnegie Mellon University.

This wrapper exposes the most essential functionality required for processing text-to-speech requests.

Sample Code

It's easy enough to pass a String to FreeTTS:

require "lib/freetts"

FreeTTS.speak "hello world"

With a little bit of manipulation, FreeTTS can read the news to you:

require "uri"
require "rss"
require "lib/freetts"

uri = URI.parse("")
feed_items = RSS::Parser.parse(, false).items.first(5)
feed_items.each do |item|
  puts item.title.content
  FreeTTS.speak item.title.content

You can change the currently selected voice and make modifications that will affect pitch, rate of speech, and so on.

voice = FreeTTS::Voice.for_name("alan")
voice.pitch *= 1.25
voice.rate += 20

Feel free to run any of the sample programs in the examples/ directory to see the library in action.


Future Enhancements

  • An adapter for plugging IO objects directly into the speech synthesizer
  • Whack out a gem version of the library