fredit: front-end edit

fredit is a simple, no-frills Rails Engine that lets you edit your Rails application's view templates, css stylesheets, and javascript files (a.k.a front-end files) through the browser.

fredit injects an edit link into every view template. These edit links are visible wherever the template is rendered, whether it is a layout, a page, or a partial.

By clicking on these links, you call up a edit page that will let you directly edit the source, whether it is ERB, css, or javascript. An update button lets you save these changes and alter the underlying source files.

Stylesheets and javascript files are accessible through a file selection drop down on the fredit edit page.

You can also create and delete front-end files on the fredit edit page.

NOTE: Currently only ERB template handlers are supported. You are welcome to fork and add support for Haml and other templates.

Why fredit?


Put something like this in the Gemfile of your Rails app:

group :staging do
  gem 'fredit'

and then run RAILS_ENV=staging bundle install, adjusting the RAILS_ENV to your target environment.

fredit's git workflow

fredit assumes that the Rails instance it is running on is a cloned git repository.

When you save your changes, fredit will make a git commit on the git branch this instance of Rails application.

Clicking on fredit link will take you to a simple web-based editor where you can directly edit the source of the view template.

commit these edits on a git branch and attribute commits to the author


Fredit is distributed under the MIT-LICENSE.