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Identify the used application or testing frameworks in a given project.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'framework_identificator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install framework_identificator


With a String object (project doesn't have tests (Berk))

FrameworkIdentificator.from(File.join("projects", "my_project"))
=> {:application=>#<FrameworkIdentificator::Frameworks::Rails:0x007fddec3c1028 @source="/Users/zedtux/projects/my_project", @project_name="MyProject">, :testing=>[]}

With a Pathname object (project use Rspec for unit test)

require "pathname"
FrameworkIdentificator.from("projects", "my_project")))
=> {:application=>#<FrameworkIdentificator::Frameworks::Rails:0x007fddec3c1028 @source="/Users/zedtux/projects/my_project", @project_name="MyProject">, :testing=>[#<FrameworkIdentificator::TestingFrameworks::Rspec:0x007fd7ec3be3b0>]}

With a Git object (project use Rspec and Cucumber frameworks)

require "git"
FrameworkIdentificator.from(Git.clone("[email protected]:my_project", "my_project"))
=> {:application=>#<FrameworkIdentificator::Frameworks::Rails:0x007fddec3aff30 @source="/Users/zedtux/projects/my_project", @project_name="MyProject">, :testing=>[#<FrameworkIdentificator::TestingFrameworks::Cucumber:0x007fd7ec3be680>, #<FrameworkIdentificator::TestingFrameworks::Rspec:0x007fd7ec3be3b0>]}




RSpec Cucumber


You can contribute to this gem by adding support for new VCS or new frameworks.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

New framework

This gem is built in order to allow easy contributions. To add a new framework, just add the new class in the lib/framework_identificator/application_frameworks/ that implement the method self.recognized?(source).

Have a look at the Rails framework class.