Fraggle (v1.0.0.pre.2 is compatable with Doozer 0.5)

An EventMachine based Doozer client


$ gem install fraggle --pre


require 'rubygems'
require 'eventmachine'
require 'fraggle'

EM.start do
  # Fraggle keeps track of this addr plus all others it finds once
  # connected.  In the event of a lost connection, fraggle will attempt
  # other doozers until one accepts or it runs out of options; A NoAddrs
  # exception will be raised if that later happens.
  c = Fraggle.connect "doozerd://"

  req = c.get("/foo") do |e|
    e.value   # => "bar"
    e.rev     # => 123

  req.error do |e|
    e.err_code   # => nil
    e.err_detail # => nil

  watch ="/foo") do |e|
    # The event has:
    # ------------------------
    e.err_code   # => nil
    e.err_detail # => nil
    e.path       # => "/foo"
    e.value      # => "bar"
    e.rev        # => 123
    e.set?       # => true
    e.del?       # => false


    # Phoney check for example
    if can_stop_watching?(path)

  ## Setting a key (this will trigger the watch above)
  req = c.set("/foo", "zomg!", 0) do |e|
    # Success!
  end.error do |e|
    if e.mismatch?
      # There was a rev mismatch, handle this.
      raise e.err_detail

  # Knowning when a command is done is useful in some cases.
  # Use the `done` callback for those situations.
  ents = []
  c.getdir("/test") do |e|
    ents << e
  end.done do
    p ents

  c.get("/nothere") do |e|
    e.missing? # => true



Fraggle read commands take a rev. If no rev is given, Doozer will reply with the most up-to-date data. If you need to do multiple reads at certain point in time for consistency, use the rev command.

c.rev do |v|
  c.get("/a", v.rev) { ... }
  c.get("/b", v.rev) { ... }
  c.get("/c", v.rev) { ... }

This also means you can go back in time or into the future!

# This will not yield until the data store is at revision 100,000
c.get("/a", 100_000) { ... }

High Availability

Fraggle has mechanisms to gracefully deal with connection loss. They are:

Monitoring cluster activity

Fraggle monitors new Doozer nodes that come and go. This enables Fraggle to keep an up-to-date list of available nodes it can connect to in the case of a connection loss.

Resend / Connection loss

When a connection is lost and Fraggle successfully reconnects to another Doozer node, Fraggle will resend most pending requests to the new connection. This means you will not miss events; Even events that happened while you were disconnected! All read commands will pick up where they left off. This is valuable to understand because it means you don't need to code for failure on reads; Fraggle gracefully handles it for you. This is really important for the WATCH command.

Write commands will be resent if their rev is greater than 0. These are idempotent requests. A rev of 0 or less will cause that request's error callback to be invoked with a Fraggle::Connection::Disconnected response. You will have to handle these yourself because Fraggle cannot know whether or not it's safe to retry on your behalf.

For commands with multiple responses (i.e. walk, watch, getdir), Fraggle will update their offset and limit as each response comes in. This means if you disconnect in the middle of the responses, Fraggle will gracefully resend the requests making it appear nothing happened and continue giving you the remaining responses.



$ git clone


$ gem install turn

$ turn