Wunderlist Fog provider

Fog provider to manage www.wunderlist.com tasks using the familiar Fog interface.

The provider is fully functional an only depends on Fog. Note that Wunderlist does not provide a public API so the API might change at any time breaking this library.

fog-wunderlist is based on the excellent work from https://github.com/bsmt/wunderpy and some API request sniffing done by myself.


gem install fog-wunderlist

Connecting to Wunderlist

require 'fog/wunderlist'
require 'pp'

service = Fog::Tasks.new :provider => 'Wunderlist',
                         :wunderlist_username => '[email protected]',
                         :wunderlist_password => 'secret'

Managing tasks

# Listing tasks
service.tasks.each do |task|
  pp task # => 
  # <Fog::Tasks::Wunderlist::Task
  #   id="ACQSAACGzsM",
  #   recurrence_count=0,
  #   assignee_id=nil,
  #   user_id="AAQSAAAHQGM",
  #   title="Tap to open me",
  #   recurring_parent_id=nil,
  #   note="",
  #   parent_id=nil,
  #   version=5,
  #   list_id="inbox",
  #   type="Task",
  #   owner_id="AAQSAAAHQGM",
  #   created_by_id=nil,
  #   due_date=nil,
  #   created_at=2012-12-06 14:32:31 UTC,
  #   completed_at=2012-12-06 14:32:31 UTC,
  #   updated_at=2012-12-06 14:32:31 UTC,
  #   local_identifier=nil,
  #   position=0.0,
  #   starred=true
  # >

# Creating a new Task in my 'Home' list
list = service.lists.find { |l| l.title == 'Home' }
service.tasks.create :title => 'test task',
                     :starred => true,
                     :list_id => list.id

# There's a special list named 'inbox' also
# that is not listed but we can use
service.tasks.create :title => 'test task',
                     :starred => true,
                     :list_id => 'inbox'

# Updating a task
task = service.tasks.find { |t| t.title == 'my task' } 
task.note = 'some random notes'
task.starred = true

# Deleting the task

Managing lists

# List all the lists (inbox isn't listed)
service.lists.each do |list|
  pp list # =>
  #  id="ABQSAABVlOE",
  #  title="Home",
  #  created_at=2012-12-06 00:09:15 UTC,
  #  updated_at=2013-03-28 20:53:14 UTC,
  #  version=2,
  #  local_identifier=nil,
  #  position=18.0,
  #  type="List",
  #  owner_id="AAQSAAAHQGM"

# Creating a new list
list = service.lists.create :title => 'new list'

# Updating the list
list.title = 'new title for the list'

# Destroy the list