fluent-plugin-statsd_event, a plugin for Fluentd


gem install fluent-plugin-statsd_event


  • host - Statsd host. String, default: ''
  • port - Statsd port. String, default: '8125'
  • grep - If set only matched lines will be sent to statsd. Array, default: none
  • tags - Tags to be added to every message. Array, default: none
  • record_key - Key for fluentd log record. Usually it's value set to 'message'. If not set, whole fluentd record will be sent as JSON. String, default: none
  • alert_type - Datadog statsd alert type. Can be "error", "warning", "info" or "success". String, default: none
  • priority - Datadog statsd priority. Can be "normal" or "low". String, default: none
  • aggregation_key - Datadog statsd aggregation key. Assign an aggregation key to the event, to group it with some others. String, default: none
  • source_type_name - Datadog statsd source type name. An array of tags. Array, default: none

The simplest configuration

Stream kernel messages to local datadog-statsd instance

<filter syslog.kernel>
  type statsd_event

A bit more sophisticated example

Stream all error messages from syslog to a remote statsd instance

<filter syslog.**>
  host statsd.example.com
  port 8125
  type statsd_event
  grep ["ERROR", "err[^\w]"]
  tags ["alert:syslog", "role:controller"]
  alert_type error
  record_key message


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Test it (GEM_HOME=vendor bundle install; GEM_HOME=vendor bundle exec rake test)
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request

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