fluent-plugin-rename-key, a plugin for Fluentd


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Fluentd output plugin. Renames keys matching the given regular expressions, assign new tags, and re-emits. This plugin resembles the implementation of fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter.

This plugin is created to resolve the invalid record problem while converting to BSON document before inserting to MongoDB, see Restrictions on Field Names and MongoDB Document Types for more information.


Install with gem or fluent-gem command as:

# for fluentd
$ gem install fluent-plugin-rename-key

# for td-agent OSX (Homebrew)
$ /usr/local/Cellar/td-agent/1.1.17/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-rename-key

# for td-agent
$ sudo /usr/lib64/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-rename-key



v0.12's filter plugin does not have a functionality to modify tag and time. If you want to modify time in filter plugin, we recommends to migrate to depends on v0.14 Filter Plugin API. v0.14's filter API has #filter_with_time method.


# <num> is an integer, used to sort and apply the rules
# <key_regexp> is the regular expression used to match the keys, whitespace is not allowed, use "\s" instead
# <new_key> is the string with MatchData placeholder for creating the new key name, whitespace is allowed
rename_rule<num> <key_regexp> <new_key>

# <num> is an integer, used to sort and apply the rules
# <key_regexp> is the regular expression used to match the keys, whitespace is not allowed, use "\s" instead
# <new_key> is the string to replace the matches with, with MatchData placeholder for creating the new key name, whitespace is allowed. Optional, if missing then the matches are removed
replace_rule<num> <key_regexp> <new_key>

# Optional: remove tag prefix
remove_tag_prefix <string>

# Optional: append additional name to the original tag, default is "key_renamed"
append_tag <string>

# Optional: dig into the hash structure and rename every matched key, or rename only keys at the first level,
# default is "true"
deep_rename <bool>


Take this record as example: '$url' => 'www.google.com', 'level2' => {'$1' => 'option1'}. To successfully save it into MongoDB, we can use the following config to replace the keys starting with dollar sign.

# At rename_rule1, it matches the key starting the '$', say '$url',
# and puts the following characters into match group 1.
# Then uses the content in match group 1, ${md[1]} = 'url', to generate the new key name 'x$url'.

<match input.test>
  type rename_key
  remove_tag_prefix input.test
  append_tag renamed
  rename_rule1 ^\$(.+) x$${md[1]}
  rename_rule2 ^l(.{3})l(\d+) ${md[1]}_${md[2]}

The resulting record is 'x$url' => 'www.google.com', 'eve_2' => {'x$1' => 'option1'} with new tag renamed.

MatchData placeholder

This plugin uses Ruby's String#match to match the key to be replaced, and it is possible to refer to the contents of the resulting MatchData to create the new key name. ${md[0]} refers to the matched string and ${md[1]} refers to match group 1, and so on.

Note: Range expression ${md[0..2]} is not supported.


Pull requests are very welcome!!

Copyright : Copyright (c) 2013- Shunwen Hsiao (@hswtw) License : Apache License, Version 2.0