
Yet another Solr output plugin for fluentd based on uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch.

Notice: no relationship with btigit/fluent-plugin-solr.


$ gem install fluent-plugin-out-solr


fluent.conf snippet

single core

  type tail
  format apache
  path /tmp/access.log
  tag apache.access

<match apache.*>
  type solr
  host localhost
  port 8983
  core collection1
  include_tag_key true
  tag_key tag
  time_field timestamp
#  utc # if you do not want to use localtime
#  commit true # if you want to commit explicitly

  flush_interval 3s

time sliced by date

You should create cores in advance.

See: Time Sliced Plugin Overview - Buffer Plugin Overview | Fluentd

  type tail
  format apache
  path /tmp/access.log
  tag apache.access

<match apache.*>
  type solr_time_sliced
  host localhost
  port 8983
  core log-%Y%m%d
  include_tag_key true
  tag_key tag
  time_field timestamp
#  utc # if you do not want to use localtime
#  commit true # if you want to commit explicitly

  flush_interval 3s

solrconfig.xml snippet



  <requestHandler name="/update" class="solr.UpdateRequestHandler">
    <lst name="defaults">
      <str name="update.chain">uuid</str>

  <updateRequestProcessorChain name="uuid">
    <processor class="solr.UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory">
      <str name="fieldName">id</str>
    <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />

schema.xml snippet

   <field name="id"      type="uuid"   indexed="true" stored="true" required="true"/>

   <field name="host"    type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>
   <field name="user"    type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>
   <field name="method"  type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>
   <field name="path"    type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>
   <field name="code"    type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>
   <field name="size"    type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>
   <field name="referer" type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>
   <field name="agent"   type="text_ws" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
   <field name="tag"     type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>

   <field name="timestamp" type="tdate"   indexed="true" stored="true"/>


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request