Multiprocess agent plugin for Fluentd


multiprocess agent plugin runs some child fluentd processes. You can take advantage of multiple CPU cores using this plugin.

Please note that this plugin does not generate records although this is an input plugin. This plugin just controls start & shutdown of child processes.


  type multiprocess

  # optional:
  #graceful_kill_interval 2s
  #graceful_kill_interval_increment 3s
  #graceful_kill_timeout 60s

    cmdline -c /etc/fluent/fluentd_child1.conf
    cmdline -c /etc/fluent/fluentd_child2.conf
    sleep_before_start 5s
    cmdline -c /etc/fluent/fluentd_child3.conf
    sleep_before_shutdown 5s
  • process section sets command line arguments of a child process. This plugin creates one child process for each <process> section
  • cmdline option is required in a <process> section
  • sleep_before_start sets wait time before starting the process. Note that child processes start from last to first (fluentd_child3 -> sleep 5 -> { fluentd_child2, fluentd_child1 } in this case)
  • sleep_before_shutdown sets wait time before shutting down the process. Note that child processes shutdown from first to last ({ fluentd_child1, fluentd_child2 } -> sleep 5 -> fluentd_child3 in this case)