Hoop plugin for Fluentd



Store fluent-event as plain text to HDFS, over Hoop (HDFS http-fs).

Hoop is originally written in Cloudera, and merged on Apache Hadoop 0.23 tree. See:

Apache Hadoop dev doc


Cloudera Hoop doc (obsolete)


HoopOutput slices data by time (for specified units), and store these data as plain text on hdfs. You can specify to:

  • format whole data as serialized JSON, single attribute or separated multi attributes

  • include time as line header, or not

  • include tag as line header, or not

  • change field separator (default: TAB)



Minimal configuration (output: TAB separated time,tag,json-serialized-data and terminated with newline):

<match hoop.**>
  type hoop
  hoop_server hoop-server.local:14000

  # %Y %m %d %H %M %S are available as conversion specifications in path on hdfs
  # If '%Y%m%d' specified, logs are sliced into per-day files automatically.
  path /hoop/log-%Y%m/log-%Y%m%d.log

  # 'username' is used pseudo authentication, see http://cloudera.github.com/hoop/docs/latest/HttpRestApi.html
  username hoopuser

You will get output like below in hdfs file such as ‘/hoop/log-201112/log-20111231.log’

2011-12-31T13:14:15Z [TAB] hoop.foo.bar [TAB] {"field1":12345,"field2":"one two three four five","field3":"OK"} [terminated by newline]
2011-12-31T21:22:23Z [TAB] hoop.foo.val [TAB] {"field1":23456,"field2":"two three four five six","field3":"BAD"} [terminated by newline]

Single attribute with tag (removed prefix ‘hoop.’), without time, separated by SPACE and NOT to terminate by newline (‘message’ data will be terminated with newline).

<match hoop.**>
  type hoop
  hoop_server hoop-server.local:14000
  path /hoop/log-%Y%m/log-%Y%m%d-%H.log
  username hoopuser

  output_include_time false
  output_include_tag true

  # If you want multiple attribute, specify like 'attr:field1,field2,field3'
  output_data_type attr:message

  # field_separator allows 'SPACE', 'COMMA' and 'TAB'(default)
  field_separator SPACE

  # add_newline 's default is true
  add_newline false

  # tag 'hoop.foo.bar' is shrinked as 'foo.bar'
  remove_prefix hoop

  # used for tags only remove_prefix string, like 'hoop'
  default_tag unknown


  • consider what to do next

  • patches welcome!


Copyright © 2011- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)


Apache License, Version 2.0