fluent-plugin-geoip Build Status

Fluentd Filter/Output plugin to add information about geographical location of IP addresses with Maxmind GeoIP databases.

fluent-plugin-geoip has bundled cost-free GeoLite2 Free Downloadable Databases and GeoLite City database by default.
Also you can use purchased GeoIP City database (lang:ja) which costs starting from $50.

The accuracy details for GeoLite City (free) and GeoIP City (purchased) has described at the page below.


fluent-plugin-geoip fluentd ruby
>= 1.0.0 >= v1.0.2 >= 2.1
< 1.0.0 >= v0.12.0 >= 1.9

If you want to use this plugin with Fluentd v0.12.x or earlier use 0.8.x.

Compatibility notice

We've used Fluentd v1 API in this plugin since 1.0.0. So we have dropped some features from GeoipOutput.

See also official document


  • ${tag}, __TAG__

    Alternative: Use ${tag} placeholder

  • ${tag_parts[n]}, __TAG_PARTS[n]__

    Alternative: Use ${tag[n]} placeholder

  • ${hostname}, __HOSTNAME__

    Alternative1: Use filter before this plugin and chunk keys:

      @type record_transformer
        hostname ${hostname}
    <match **>
      @type geoip
      tag geoip.${tag[1]}.${hostname}
        city ${city["host"]}
      <buffer tag, hostname>
        flush_interval 1s

    Alternative2: Just inject hostname into record you can use <inject> section instead:

    <match **>
      @type geoip
      tag geoip.${tag[1]}.${hostname}
        city ${city["host"]}
        hostname_key hostname


before use, install dependent library as:

# for RHEL/CentOS
$ sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
$ sudo yum install geoip-devel --enablerepo=epel

# for Ubuntu/Debian
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install libgeoip-dev

# for OS X
$ brew install geoip
$ bundle config build.geoip-c --with-geoip-dir=/usr/local/include/


install with gem or td-agent provided command as:

# for fluentd
$ gem install fluent-plugin-geoip

# for td-agent
$ sudo /usr/lib64/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-geoip

# for td-agent2
$ sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-geoip


For GeoipFilter

Note that filter version of geoip plugin does not have handling tag feature.

<filter access.apache>
  @type geoip

  # Specify one or more geoip lookup field which has ip address (default: host)
  # in the case of accessing nested value, delimit keys by dot like 'host.ip'.
  geoip_lookup_keys host

  # Specify optional geoip database (using bundled GeoLiteCity databse by default)
  # geoip_database    "/path/to/your/GeoIPCity.dat"
  # Specify optional geoip2 database
  # geoip2_database   "/path/to/your/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" (using bundled GeoLite2-City.mmdb by default)
  # Specify backend library (geoip2_c, geoip, geoip2_compat)
  backend_library geoip2_c

  # Set adding field with placeholder (more than one settings are required.)
    city            ${city.names.en["host"]}
    latitude        ${location.latitude["host"]}
    longitude       ${location.longitude["host"]}
    country         ${country.iso_code["host"]}
    country_name    ${country.names.en["host"]}
    postal_code     ${postal.code["host"]}

  # To avoid get stacktrace error with `[null, null]` array for elasticsearch.
  skip_adding_null_record  true

  # Set @log_level (default: warn)
  @log_level         info

Tips: how to geolocate multiple key

<filter access.apache>
  @type geoip
  geoip_lookup_keys user1_host, user2_host
    user1_city      ${city.names.en["user1_host"]}
    user2_city      ${city.names.en["user2_host"]}

Advanced config samples

It is a sample to get friendly geo point recdords for elasticsearch with Yajl (JSON) parser.

<filter access.apache>
  @type                  geoip
  geoip_lookup_keys      host
    # lat lon as properties
    # ex. {"lat" => 37.4192008972168, "lon" => -122.05740356445312 }
    location_properties  '{ "lat" : ${location.latitude["host"]}, "lon" : ${location.longitude["host"]} }'

    # lat lon as string
    # ex. "37.4192008972168,-122.05740356445312"
    location_string      ${location.latitude["host"]},${location.longitude["host"]}

    # GeoJSON (lat lon as array) is useful for Kibana's bettermap.
    # ex. [-122.05740356445312, 37.4192008972168]
    location_array       '[${location.longitude["host"]},${location.latitude["host"]}]'

  # To avoid get stacktrace error with `[null, null]` array for elasticsearch.
  skip_adding_null_record  true

On the case of using td-agent3 (v1-config), it have to quote { ... } or [ ... ] block with quotation like below.

<filter access.apache>
  @type                  geoip
  geoip_lookup_keys      host
    location_properties  '{ "lat" : ${location.latitude["host"]}, "lon" : ${location.longitude["host"]} }'
    location_string      ${location.latitude["host"]},${location.longitude["host"]}
    location_array       '[${location.longitude["host"]},${location.latitude["host"]}]'
  skip_adding_null_record  true

For GeoipOutput

<match access.apache>
  @type geoip

  # Specify one or more geoip lookup field which has ip address (default: host)
  # in the case of accessing nested value, delimit keys by dot like 'host.ip'.
  geoip_lookup_keys host

  # Specify optional geoip database (using bundled GeoLiteCity databse by default)
  geoip_database    "/path/to/your/GeoIPCity.dat"
  # Specify optional geoip2 database
  # geoip2_database   "/path/to/your/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"
  # Specify backend library (geoip, geoip2_compat, geoip2_c)
  backend_library geoip

  # Set adding field with placeholder (more than one settings are required.)
    latitude        ${location.latitude["host"]}
    longitude       ${location.longitude["host"]}
    country         ${country.iso_code["host"]}
    country_name    ${country.names.en["host"]}
    postal_code     ${postal.code["host"]}
    region          ${subdivisions.0.iso_code["host"]}
    region_name     ${subdivisions.0.names.en["host"]}
    city            ${city.names.en["host"]}

  # Settings for tag
  tag               geoip.${tag[1]}

  # To avoid get stacktrace error with `[null, null]` array for elasticsearch.
  skip_adding_null_record  true

  # Set @log_level (default: warn)
  @log_level         info

  <buffer tag>
    # Set buffering time (default: 0s)
    flush_interval    1s


For GeoipFilter


  @type forward

<filter test.geoip>
  @type    geoip
  geoip_lookup_keys  host
    city  ${city.names.en["host"]}
    lat   ${location.latitude["host"]}
    lon   ${location.longitude["host"]}

<match test.**>
  @type stdout


# forward record with Google's ip address.
$ echo '{"host":"","message":"test"}' | fluent-cat test.geoip

# check the result at stdout
$ tail /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
2016-02-01 12:04:37 +0900 test.geoip: {"host":"","message":"test","city":"Mountain View","lat":37.4192008972168,"lon":-122.05740356445312}

You can check geoip data format using utils/dump.rb.

$ bundle exec ruby urils/dump.rb geoip2
$ bundle exec ruby urils/dump.rb geoip2_compat
$ bundle exec ruby urils/dump.rb geoip

For GeoipOutput


  @type forward

<match test.geoip>
  @type copy
    @type stdout
    @type    geoip
    geoip_lookup_keys  host
      lat     ${location.latitude["host"]}
      lon     ${location.longitude["host"]}
      country ${country.iso_code["host"]}
    tag     debug.${tag[1]}

<match debug.**>
  @type stdout


# forward record with Google's ip address.
$ echo '{"host":"","message":"test"}' | fluent-cat test.geoip

# check the result at stdout
$ tail /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
2013-08-04 16:21:32 +0900 test.geoip: {"host":"","message":"test"}
2013-08-04 16:21:32 +0900 debug.geoip: {"host":"","message":"test","lat":37.4192008972168,"lon":-122.05740356445312,"country":"US"}

You can check geoip data format using utils/dump.rb.

$ bundle exec ruby urils/dump.rb geoip2
$ bundle exec ruby urils/dump.rb geoip2_compat
$ bundle exec ruby urils/dump.rb geoip



You can get any fields in the GeoLite2 database and GeoIP2 Downloadable Databases.

For example(geoip2_c backend):

placeholder attributes output example note
$citycity.namescity.names.en[lookup_field] "Mountain View" -
$locationlocation.latitude[lookup_field] 37.419200000000004 -
$locationlocation.longitude[lookup_field] -122.0574 -
$countrycountry.iso_code[lookup_field] "US" -
$countrycountry.namescountry.names.en[lookup_field] "United States" -
$postalpostal.code[lookup_field] "94043" -
$subdivisionssubdivisions.0subdivisions.0.iso_code[lookup_field] "CA" -
$subdivisionssubdivisions.0subdivisions.0.namessubdivisions.0.names.en[lookup_field] "California" -

For example(geoip2_compat backend):

placeholder attributes output example note
$city[lookup_field] "Mountain View" -
$latitude[lookup_field] 37.419200000000004 -
$longitude[lookup_field] -122.0574 -
$country_code[lookup_field] "US" -
$country_name[lookup_field] "United States" -
$postal_code[lookup_field] "94043"
$region[lookup_field] "CA" -
$region_name[lookup_field] "California" -

NOTE: geoip2_compat backend supports only above fields.

Related configurations:

  • backend_library: geoip2_compat or geoip2_c
  • geoip2_database: path to your GeoLite2-City.mmdb

GeoIP legacy

Provides these placeholders for adding field of geolocate results.
For more example of geolocating, you can try these websites like Geo IP Address View or View my IP information.

placeholder attributes output example type note
$city[lookup_field] "Ithaca" varchar(255) -
$latitude[lookup_field] 42.4277992248535 decimal -
$longitude[lookup_field] -76.4981994628906 decimal -
$country_code3[lookup_field] "USA" varchar(3) -
$country_code[lookup_field] "US" varchar(2) A two-character ISO 3166-1 country code
$country_name[lookup_field] "United States" varchar(50) -
$dma_code[lookup_field] 555 unsigned int only for US
$area_code[lookup_field] 607 char(3) only for US
$region[lookup_field] "NY" char(2) A two character ISO-3166-2 or FIPS 10-4 code

Further more specification available at http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/csv/#GeoIP_City_Edition_CSV_Database_Fields

Related configurations:

  • backend_library: geoip (default)
  • geoip_database: path to your GeoLiteCity.dat



Note that filter version of geoip plugin does not have handling tag feature.

Plugin helpers

See also Filter Plugin Overview

Supported sections


Plugin Common Paramteters

geoip_database (string) (optional)

  • Default value: bundled database GeoLiteCity.dat

Path to GeoIP database file.

geoip2_database (string) (optional)

  • Default value: bundled database GeoLite2-City.mmdb.

Path to GeoIP2 database file.

geoip_lookup_keys (array) (optional)

  • Default_value: ["host"]

Specify one or more geoip lookup field which has IP address.

geoip_lookup_key (string) (optional) (deprecated)

  • Default value: nil.

Use geoip_lookup_keys instead.

skip_adding_null_record (bool) (optional)

  • Default value: nil

Skip adding geoip fields when this valaues to true. On the case of getting nothing of GeoIP info (such as local IP), it will output the original record without changing anything.

backend_library (enum) (optional)

  • Available values: geoip, geoip2_compat, geoip2_c
  • Default value: geoip2_c.

Set backend library.


Plugin helpers

See also Output Plugin Overview



Plugin Common Paramteters

geoip_database (string) (optional)

  • Default value: bundled database GeoLiteCity.dat

Path to GeoIP database file.

geoip2_database (string) (optional)

  • Default value: bundled database GeoLite2-City.mmdb.

Path to GeoIP2 database file.

geoip_lookup_keys (array) (optional)

  • Default value: ["host"]

Specify one or more geoip lookup field which has IP address.

geoip_lookup_key (string) (optional) (deprecated)

  • Default value: nil.

Use geoip_lookup_keys instead.

skip_adding_null_record (bool) (optional)

  • Default value: nil

Skip adding geoip fields when this valaues to true. On the case of getting nothing of GeoIP info (such as local IP), it will output the original record without changing anything.

backend_library (enum) (optional)

  • Available values: geoip, geoip2_compat, geoip2_c
  • Default value: geoip2_c.

Set backend library.

tag (string) (optional)

On using this option with tag placeholder like tag geoip.${tag} (test code is available at test_out_geoip.rb).



Pull requests are very welcome!!


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Copyright (c) 2013- Kentaro Yoshida (@yoshi_ken)


Apache License, Version 2.0

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.