Couchbase 2.0 plugin for Fluentd

Couchbase 2.0 output plugin for Fluentd.


via RubyGems

fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-couchbase

Quick Start

Setup Couchbase Server 2.0 Environment

# install couchbase server 2.0

# install libcouchbase

# install couchbase gem
  gem install couchbase

Fluentd.conf Configuration

<match couchbase.**>
  type couchbase      # fluent output plugin file name (sans fluent_plugin_ prefix)
  hostname localhost  # host name
  port 8091           # port name
  pool default        # pool name
  bucket default      # bucket name
  ttl 0               # number of seconds before document expires. 0 = no expiration
  include_ttl false   # store the ttl value w/ each document



NOTE: requires the following:
      1) Couchbase Server 2.0
      2) libcouch
      3) couchbase gem
      4) update spec/out_couchbase_spec.rb with your
         hostname, port, pool, and bucket prior to running the tests


1) specify multiple nodes?