Nifty Generators

A collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentication, and more.

Forked from @ryanb, minnor improves so far, like a changed css, limitited :string fields by their :limit

Made to be compatible with jQuery


Rails 3

Add the gem to your Gemfile.

gem "flockonus-nifty-generators", :group => :development

Then you can run any of the included generators.

rails g nifty:scaffold Recipe name:string index new

Yes, you can’t have it alongs the original nifty-generator on your Gemfile

Included Generators

  • nifty:layout: generates generic layout, stylesheet, and helper files.

  • nifty:scaffold: generates a controller and optional model/migration.

  • nifty:config: generates a config YAML file and loader.

  • nifty:authentication: generates user model with sign up and log in.

To view the README for each generator, run it with the help option.

rails g nifty:layout --help

Troubleshooting and FAQs

What is the difference between nifty:scaffold and built-in scaffold?

One of the primary differences is that nifty:scaffold allows you to choose which controller actions to generate.

rails g nifty:scaffold post name:string index new edit

There are a few changes to the generated code as well, such as no XML format by default.

It also offers support for HAML, Shoulda, and RSpec.

I get “undefined method ‘title’” error.

Try running nifty:layout, that will generate this helper method. Or you can just change the templates to whatever approach you prefer for setting the title.

I can’t set new attributes in my model.

Add the attribute to the attr_accessible line in the model.

I get “undefined method ‘root_url’” error.

Some generators default redirecting to the root_url. Set this in your routes.rb file like this (substituting your controller name).

root :to => "home#index"

I get a missing database error.

Run rake db:migrate.

Found a bug?
