= Java Properties Files in Ruby

I don't know if there's a real need for this, and if there is the jruby
people probably have it covered a lot better than I do. These classes
were mainly whipped up as an exercise in creating a ruby gem.

= JavaProperties::Properties

A class that can read and write to Java properties files that behaves
otherwise as a standard ruby Enumerable. The keys to this object can
be provided as Strings or Symbols, but internally they are Symbols.

require 'rubygems'
require 'java_properties'

# Create a new object from a file
props = JavaProperties::Properties.new("/path/to/file.properties")

# Merge in another file

# Behaves as an Enumerable
props.each{ |key,value| puts "#key = #value" }

= properties2yaml

An executable script to convert an existing properties file to a YAML
file. There is no script to go the other way because not all YAML
files can be saved into a properties file. (That and I was feeling lazy.)

Usage: properties2yaml [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]

Options are:

-s, --stdin Read input from standard input instead of an input file
-h, --help Show this help message.