Flash Messages Helper

A configurable Ruby on Rails view helper for displaying html flash messages in your Rails applications.

Recent Changes

  • 0.2.0
    • Added a proper configuration DSL
    • html_safe called on the output if available

Install as a Ruby Gem

gem install flash_messages_helper

Rails 2

Then add the following line to your environment.rb

config.gem 'flash_messages_helper'

Rails 3

Add the following to your Gemfile

gem ‘flash_messages_helper’

Installation as a Ruby on Rails Plugin

./script/plugin install git://github.com/mdeering/flash_messages_helper.git


Once you have installed it as a plugin/gem in your rails app usage is simple. Just call the flash_messages function within you Rails view file

= flash_messages


Changing the default id of the flash elements

By default the id of the flash message element will come through as flash-error-type

  • flash-error
  • flash-notice
  • flash-warning
  • ect…

To change this use the dom_id configuration attribute.

# config/initializers/flash_messages_helper.rb
FlashMessagesHelper.configure do |config|
  config.dom_id = lambda { |key| "#{key}-message" }

A error message will now displayed with the dom element id of error-message rather then flash-error throughout the application

<div class="error" id="error-message">There was an error!</div>

Changing the default class of the flash elements

By default the class of the flash message element will come through as error-type

  • error
  • notice
  • warning
  • ect…

To change this use the css_class configuration attribute.

# config/initializers/flash_messages_helper.rb
FlashMessagesHelper.configure do |config|
  config.css_class = lambda { |key| "#{key} dismissible" }

A error message will now displayed with the dom element class of _error dismissible rather then error throughout the application

<div class="error dismissible" id="flash-error">There was an error!</div>

Changing the default html tag type of the flash elements

As a default the html tag used to wrap the flash messages is a div element. This can be easily globally changed with the following setting.

# config/initializers/flash_messages_helper.rb
FlashMessagesHelper.configure do |config|
  config.wrapper = :p

With the above setting flash messages will be wrapped inside of a paragraph tag rather then a div.

<p class="error" id="flash-error">There was an error!</p>


Copyright © 2011 Michael Deering, released under the MIT license