
feedparser gem - web feed parser and normalizer (Atom, RSS 2.0, etc.)



Feed • Item

Feed Struct


Note: uses question mark (?) for optional elements (otherwise assume required elements)

Title 'n' Summary

Note: The Feed parser will remove all html tags and attributes from the title (RSS 2.0+Atom), description (RSS 2.0) and subtitle (Atom) content and will unescape HTML entities e.g. & becomes & and so on - always resulting in plain vanilla text.

Feed Struct RSS 2.0 Notes Atom Notes
feed.title title plain vanilla text title plain vanilla text
feed.summary description plain vanilla text subtitle? plain vanilla text


Feed Struct RSS 2.0 Notes Atom Notes
feed.updated lastBuildDate? RFC-822 format updated ISO 801 format
feed.published pubDate? RFC-822 format -

Note: Check - for RSS 2.0 set feed.updated to pubDate or lastBuildDate if only one present? if both present - map as above.

RFC-822 date format e.g. Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:48:57 +0100

ISO-801 date format e.g. 2015-01-11T09:30:16Z

class Feed
  attr_accessor :format   # e.g. atom|rss 2.0|etc.
  attr_accessor :title    # note: always plain vanilla text - if present html tags will get stripped and html entities unescaped
  attr_accessor :url

  attr_accessor :items

  attr_accessor :summary   # note: is description in RSS 2.0 and subtitle in Atom; always plain vanilla text

  attr_accessor :updated     # note: is lastBuildDate in RSS 2.0
  attr_accessor :published   # note: is pubDate in RSS 2.0; not available in Atom

  attr_accessor :generator
  attr_accessor :generator_version  # e.g. @version (atom)
  attr_accessor :generator_uri      # e.g. @uri     (atom) - use alias url/link ???

Item Struct

Title 'n' Summary

Note: The Feed parser will remove all html tags and attributes from the title (RSS 2.0+Atom), description (RSS 2.0) and summary (Atom) content and will unescape HTML entities e.g. & becomes & and so on - always resulting in plain vanilla text.

Note: In plain vanilla RSS 2.0 there's no difference between (full) content and summary - everything is wrapped in a description element; however, best practice is using the content "module" from RSS 1.0 inside RSS 2.0. If there's no content module present the feed parser will "clone" the description and use one version for item.summary and the clone for item.content.

Note: The content element will assume html content.

Feed Struct RSS 2.0 Notes Atom Notes
item.title title plain vanilla text title plain vanilla text
item.summary description plain vanilla text summary? plain vanilla text
item.content content? html content? html


Item Struct RSS 2.0 Notes Atom Notes
item.updated pubDate? RFC-822 format updated ISO 801 format
item.published - RFC-822 format published? ISO 801 format

Note: In plain vanilla RSS 2.0 there's only one pubDate for items, thus, it's not possible to differeniate between published and updated dates for items; note - the item.pubDate will get mapped to item.updated. To set the published date in RSS 2.0 use the dublin core module e.g dc:created, for example.

class Item
  attr_accessor :title   # note: always plain vanilla text - if present html tags will get stripped and html entities
  attr_accessor :url

  attr_accessor :content
  attr_accessor :content_type  # optional for now (text|html|html-escaped|binary-base64) - not yet set

  attr_accessor :summary

  attr_accessor :updated    # note: is pubDate in RSS 2.0 and updated in Atom
  attr_accessor :published  # note: is published in Atom; not available in RSS 2.0 (use dc:created ??)

  attr_accessor :guid     # todo: rename to id (use alias) ??

Read Feed Example

require 'open-uri'
require 'feedparser'

xml = open( 'http://openfootball.github.io/atom.xml' ).read

feed = FeedParser::Parser.parse( xml )
pp feed


Just install the gem:

$ gem install feedparser


The feedparser scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the wwwmake Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!