fastlane-plugin-versioning fastlane Plugin

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-versioning, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin versioning

About versioning

Allows to work set/get app version directly to/from Info.plist



increment_version_number_in_plist # Automatically increment patch version number.
  bump_type: "patch" # Automatically increment patch version number
  bump_type: "minor" # Automatically increment minor version number
  bump_type: "major" # Automatically increment major version number
  version_number: '2.1.1' # Set a specific version number

  version_number: '2.1.1',                # specify specific version number (optional, omitting it increments patch version number)
  xcodeproj: './path/to/MyApp.xcodeproj'  # (optional, you must specify the path to your main Xcode project if it is not in the project root directory or you have a multiple xcodeproj's in the root directory)
  target: 'TestTarget' # (optional)

You can also only receive the version number from plist without modifying it

version = get_version_number_from_plist(xcodeproj: "Project.xcodeproj", # optional
                                        target: 'TestTarget', # optional
                                        build_configuration_name: 'Release') # optional, must be specified if you have different Info.plist build settings for different build configurations


Get a path to target's Info.plist

get_info_plist_path(xcodeproj: 'Test.xcodeproj', # optional
                       target: 'TestTarget', # optional
     build_configuration_name: 'Release' # optional, must be specified if you have different Info.plist build settings for different build configurations

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


For some more detailed help with plugins problems, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting doc in the main fastlane repo.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation in the main fastlane repo.

About fastlane

fastlane automates building, testing, and releasing your app for beta and app store distributions. To learn more about fastlane, check out