
DSL for file handling focused in intuitivity and semantics.

Library is pure Ruby 1.8.7, no FileUtils nor other dependencies (except Metafun for DSL delegation)


Don’t install right now, as 13-09-2011 this is pre-alpha, but in intensive development.


Fast embraces the more straightforward view of files as strings of data and directories as arrays of files/directories. Some arguments:

  • It is more realistic in everyday usage

  • It makes them more object-like (and thus, more friendly to OOP)

  • Is more semantic

  • Files as IOs are still accessible through the harder-to-use native Ruby API

Fast::Dir is a subclass of Array, usable as a hash, and Fast::File if a subclass of String.

Quick notes

  • Move all Fast code to fast/main.rb. Update Metafun/Delegator so it will inject the #delegate method into every Object instance. Reduce the “fast.rb” to a call to external libraries, fast/main and DSLization via #delegate.

  • Describe the SubSetter pattern for filtering.

  • File lists as returned by Fast::Dir#list and Fast::Dir#dirs will be filtered after the list is retrieved by a set of filtering methods of the returned list, which should be an instance of Fast::Dir.

  • An instance of Fast::Dir should be possible to be created from a Array.

  • The path can be setted indirectly by any method of Fast::File instances, and the same works for Dir. This is fine because allows for very quick calls, but once an instance gets a path setted it should be fixed and raise an exception in case some other method call is trying to change it.

Remote future

  • Make Fast a REST client (well, use rest-client) in order to transparently use files and directories from a compliant REST server.

  • Include REST methods: Dir#post, File#get, File#head, etc

  • Allow Files to behave as Dirs with the right method calls


GPL License. Why else?

@ Xavier Via