Fandango API

Fetch theaters near postal code and movies on sale at each.


Fandango.movies_near(73142) returns an array of hashes. Each hash has 2 items: theater info and movies on sale at that theater. A theater is a hash of data containing: name, Fandango's theater id, address, and postal code. The movies are an array of hashes. Each hash contains title and Fandango's id.

Example output format

[ [ 0] { :theater => { :name => "AMC", :id => "abcde", :address => "123 Baker St., New York, NY 10001", :postal_code => "10001" }, :movies => [ [0] { :title => "Sherlock Holmes", :id => "123456" }, # more movies... ] }, # more hashes... ]


Developed with Ruby 1.9.2-p290. Won't work in Ruby 1.8.


  • There's only 1 test at the moment. It's small enough. Later, may want to add more broken down tests.
  • Support for non-US postal codes
    • parse non-US postal codes (currently only parses digits -- i.e. US zipcodes).