FakeDynamo Build Status

local hosted, inmemory dynamodb emulator.


  • ConsumedCapacityUnits value will be 1 always.
  • The response size is not constrained by 1mb limit. So operation like BatchGetItem will return all items irrespective of the response size


requires ruby >= 1.9

gem install fake_dynamo

fake_dynamo --port 4567


  • aws-sdk
# rvmsudo fake_dynamo --port 80
AWS.config(:use_ssl => false,
           :dynamo_db_endpoint => 'localhost',
           :access_key_id => "xxx",
           :secret_access_key => "xxx")

please open a pull request with your configuration if you are using fake_dynamo with clients other than the ones mentioned above.


fake_dynamo stores the write operations (request that changes the data) in /usr/local/var/fake_dynamo/db.fdb and replays it before starting the server. Because of the way fake_dynamo stores the data, file size tend to grow by time. so fake_dynamo will compact the database during start up if the file size is greater than 100mb. you can manually compact it by passing --compact flag.