
Gem Version

Simple, lightweight and fast metrics aggregation for Rails.


gem 'ezmetrics'

Available metrics

Type Aggregate functions
duration avg, max, percentile
views avg, max, percentile
db avg, max, percentile
queries avg, max, percentile
requests all, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx


Getting started

This tool captures and aggregates Rails application metrics such as

  • duration
  • views
  • db
  • queries
  • status

and stores them for the timeframe you specified, 60 seconds by default.

You can change the timeframe according to your needs and save the metrics by calling log method:

# Store the metrics for 60 seconds (default behaviour)
  duration: 100.5,
  views:    40.7,
  db:       59.8,
  queries:  4,
  status:   200
# Store the metrics for 10 minutes
  duration: 100.5,
  views:    40.7,
  db:       59.8,
  queries:  4,
  status:   200

For displaying metrics you need to call show method:

# Aggregate and show metrics for last 60 seconds (default behaviour)
# Aggregate and show metrics for last 10 minutes

You can combine these timeframes, for example - store for 10 minutes, display for 5 minutes.

Capture metrics

Just add an initializer to your application:

# config/initializers/ezmetrics.rb

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("sql.active_record") do |*args|
  event = ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)
  unless event.payload[:name] == "SCHEMA"
    Thread.current[:queries] ||= 0
    Thread.current[:queries] += 1

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("process_action.action_controller") do |*args|
  event = ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)
    duration: event.duration.to_f,
    views:    event.payload[:view_runtime].to_f,
    db:       event.payload[:db_runtime].to_f,
    status:   event.payload[:status].to_i || 500,
    queries:  Thread.current[:queries].to_i,

Display metrics

As simple as:


This will return a hash with the following structure:

  duration: {
    avg: 5569,
    max: 9675
  views: {
    avg: 12,
    max: 240
  db: {
    avg: 155,
    max: 4382
  queries: {
    avg: 26,
    max: 76
  requests: {
    all: 2000,
    grouped: {
      "2xx" => 1900,
      "3xx" => 15,
      "4xx" => 80,
      "5xx" => 5

If you prefer a single level object - you can change the default output structure by calling .flatten before .show

EZmetrics.new(1.hour).flatten.show(db: :avg, duration: [:avg, :max])
  db_avg:       182,
  duration_avg: 205,
  duration_max: 5171

Same for partitioned aggregation

EZmetrics.new(1.hour).partition_by(:minute).flatten.show(db: :avg, duration: [:avg, :max])
    timestamp:    1575242880,
    db_avg:       387,
    duration_avg: 477,
    duration_max: 8566
    timestamp:    1575242940,
    db_avg:       123,
    duration_avg: 234,
    duration_max: 3675


The aggregation can be easily configured by specifying aggregation options as in the following examples:

1. Single

EZmetrics.new.show(duration: :max)
  duration: {
    max: 9675

2. Multiple

EZmetrics.new.show(queries: [:max, :avg])
  queries: {
    max: 76,
    avg: 26

3. Requests

EZmetrics.new.show(requests: true)
  requests: {
    all: 2000,
    grouped: {
      "2xx" => 1900,
      "3xx" => 15,
      "4xx" => 80,
      "5xx" => 5

4. Combined

EZmetrics.new.show(views: :avg, :db: [:avg, :max], requests: true)
  views: {
    avg: 12
  db: {
    avg: 155,
    max: 4382
  requests: {
    all: 2000,
    grouped: {
      "2xx" => 1900,
      "3xx" => 15,
      "4xx" => 80,
      "5xx" => 5

5. Percentile

This feature is available since version 2.0.0.

By default percentile aggregation is turned off because it requires to store each value of all metrics.

To enable this feature - you need to set store_each_value: true when saving the metrics:

  duration:         100.5,
  views:            40.7,
  db:               59.8,
  queries:          4,
  status:           200,
  store_each_value: true

The aggregation syntax has the following format metrics_type: :percentile_{number} where number is any integer in the 1..99 range.

EZmetrics.new.show(db: [:avg, :percentile_90, :percentile_95], duration: :percentile_99)
  db: {
    avg: 155,
    percentile_90: 205,
    percentile_95: 215
  duration: {
    percentile_99: 236

6. Percentile distribution

If you want to visualize percentile distribution (from 1% to 99%):

EZmetrics.new.show(duration: :percentile_distribution)
  duration: {
    percentile_distribution: {
      1: 12,
      2: 15,
      3: 19,
      97: 6540,
      98: 6682,
      99: 6730


If you want to visualize your metrics by using a line chart, you will need to use partitioning.

To aggregate metrics, partitioned by a unit of time you need to call .partition_by({time_unit}) before calling .show

# Aggregate metrics for last hour, partition by minute
EZmetrics.new(1.hour).partition_by(:minute).show(duration: [:avg, :max], db: :avg)

This will return an array of objects with the following structure:

    timestamp: # UNIX timestamp
    data:      # a hash with aggregated metrics

like in the example below:

    timestamp: 1575242880,
    data: {
      duration: {
        avg: 477,
        max: 8566
      db: {
        avg: 387
    timestamp: 1575242940,
    data: {
      duration: {
        avg: 234,
        max: 3675
      db: {
        avg: 123

Available time units for partitioning: second, minute, hour, day. Default: minute.


The aggregation speed relies on the performance of Redis (data storage) and Oj (json serialization/parsing).

You can check the aggregation time (in seconds) by running:

# 1. Simple

# 2. Partitioned

# 3. Percentile

# 4.  Percentile (partitioned)
Interval Simple aggregation Partitioned Percentile Percentile (partitioned)
1 minute 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 hour 0.02 0.02 0.14 0.16
12 hours 0.22 0.25 2.11 1.97
24 hours 0.61 0.78 5.85 5.85
48 hours 1.42 1.75 14.1 13.9

The benchmarks above were run on a 2017 Macbook Pro 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16 GB of RAM


ezmetrics is released under the MIT License.