Ext Direct (on Rails)

The Ext Direct plugin is a simple implementation of Ext Direct router to call server-side methods on the client-side.

What is the Ext Direct?

Ext Direct allows for seamless communication between the client-side of an Ext application and any server-side platform.

Read more: www.extjs.com/products/direct/


Install as a plugin:

script/plugin install git://github.com/martio/ext_direct.git

Install as a gem:

gem install ext_direct

Then in “config/environment.rb” require middleware:

config.middleware.use "ExtDirect::Router", "/direct"
config.middleware.use "ExtDirect::API", "/api", "/direct"

Great job! Now you are ready to use this library. Remember, this release is tested and runs with Rails 2.3.

Example usage

Of course, I’d drink beer :)

Copyright © 2010 Marcin Lewandowski, released under the MIT license