
ExportCsv is a small library intended to simplify the common steps involved with export table data to CSV files. ExportCsv is compatible with recent 1.8 versions of Ruby as well as Ruby 1.9+

Additional gem also provide rake db tasks. The command rake db:export_to_csv model=User pulls a database table into a csv.

Demo application at https://github.com/diatmpravin/export_csv_demo.git

(follow readme for installation steps)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'export_csv'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install export_csv


Example EXPORT CSV File

export_to_csv('parent.csv', 'Parent',["id", "created_at", "updated_at"], options = { :separator=> ',', options = { :separator=> ',', :headers => ["fname","lname"]}})

Example EXPORT CSV File using rake

rake db:export_to_csv model=User


Example EXPORT CSV File

That gem provide export_to_csv(filename, model, escape_attributes, [options = {}]) method in your controller.

filename - String, which define output file's name. Gem will append .csv extension if file does not has extension or having other extension other than csv.

model - Model name, Of date you want to export.

escape_attributes - The array of attribute which you want to exclude in csv header and data.

options - Optional argument. Expects it will be some kind of hash. Processed keys: :separator - sets custom separator(by default is ",") :headers - sets header row. Expected array with columns' names

Example EXPORT CSV File using rake

If you have a table you want to backup into a csv in the rails db with a model: Model

rake db:export_to_csv model=Model

the call writes into a csv file Model.csv located in the app root directory


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