
ExchangerateHost is a very simple gem to integrate your ruby application with 🚀 is a great service that provide us completely free curreny exhange rates APIs (you don't even need to make an account & api key!! Really easy to get started 🙂 ).

Let's support their mission if you're happy with the service and willing to donate 👼


Install with the following command:

$ gem install exchangerate_host

For rails appliactions, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'exchangerate_host'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Supported services

Service Descriptoin Supported
Latest rates The latest exchage rate data updated on daily basis ✔️
Convert currency Convert any amount from one currency to another ✔️
Historical rates Currency rates histrical data all the way back to the year of 1999 ✔️
Time-Series data Historical rates between two dates of your choic. (maximum time frame of 366 days) ✔️
Fluctuation data Historical data about how currencies fluctuate on a day-to-day basis (maximum time frame of 366 days) ✔️
Supported symbols All available currencies ✔️
EU VAT Rates Request a single by country code or entire set EU VAT rates WIP

You can find details about services in here


Parameter Description Example Note
base Your preferred base currency JPY non case sensitive
symbols Currency codes to limit output currencies [:JPY, :AUD, :USD] non case sensitive
amount The amount to be converted 123.45 -
places Decimal places 2 -
format Output format CSV CSV, TSV or XML
from The currecny you would like to convert from JPY non case sensitive
to The currecny you would like to convert to AUD non case sensitive
date Historical exchange rate date 2020-12-21 format YYYY-MM-DD
start_date The start date of your preferred timeframe 2020-12-21 format YYYY-MM-DD
end_date The end date of your preferred timeframe 2020-12-21 format YYYY-MM-DD

Service Paramters

🟢 optional 🔴 required | Service | base | symbols | amount | places | format | from | to | date | start_date | end_date | |:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Latest rates | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | - | - | - | | Convert currency | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | | Historical rates | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | 🔴 | - | - | | Time-Series data | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | - | 🔴 | 🔴 | | Fluctuation data | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | - | 🔴 | 🔴 | | Supported symbols | - | - | - | - | 🟢 | - | - | - | - | - |

If base option is not given, EUR will be assigned
If amount option is not given, 1 will be assigned


You can make call supporetd survices with following APIs | Service | method | arguments | | ------------- |:-------------:| :-------------:| | Latest rates | ExchangerateHost.latest_rates(options) | options: Hash | | Convert currency | ExchangerateHost.convert_currency(options) | options: Hash | | Historical rates | ExchangerateHost.historical_rates(options) | options: Hash | | Time-Series data | ExchangerateHost.time_series(options) | options: Hash | | Fluctuation data | ExchangerateHost.fluctuation(options) | options: Hash | | Supported symbols |ExchangerateHost.supported_symbols(options) | options: Hash |


  # Decimal place 2
  ExchangerateHost.configurations.places = 2

  # How much is 1000 yen in AUD and USD with the latest currency rates
  res = ExchangerateHost.latest_rates({ base: :JPY, amount: 1000, symbols: [:AUD, :USD] })
  res['rates'] #=> {"AUD"=>12.59, "USD"=>9.1}

  # How much is 150 AUD in JPY on 2015 December 21st
  res = ExchangerateHost.convert_currency({ from: :AUD, to: :JPY, date: '2015-12-21', amount: 150 })
  res['result'] #=> 13038.47

  # What were the all supported currency rates for 1 AUD on 2020 December 21st
  res = ExchangerateHost.historical_rates({date: '2020-12-21', base: :USD })
  res['rates'] #=> { "AED"=>3.69, "AFN"=>77.4, "ALL"=>101.52... }

  # What were the JPY and USD rates based on 1 AUD between 2021 January 1st ~ 2021 Febrary 1st
  res = ExchangerateHost.time_series({ base: :AUD, symbols: [:JPY, :USD], start_date: '2021-01-01', end_date: '2021-02-01' })
  res['rates'] #=> {"2021-01-01"=>{"JPY"=>79.56, "USD"=>0.77}, "2021-01-02"=>{"JPY"=>79.29, "USD"=>0.77}, "2021-01-03"=>{"JPY"=>79.42, "USD"=>0.77},... }

  # How much JPY and USD rates based on 1 AUD fluctuated between 2020 January 1st ~ 2020 October 1st
  res = ExchangerateHost.fluctuation({ base: :AUD, symbols: [:JPY, :USD], start_date: '2020-01-01', end_date: '2020-10-01' })
  res['rates'] #=> {"USD"=>{"start_rate"=>0.7, "end_rate"=>0.72, "change"=>-0.02, "change_pct"=>-0.03}, "JPY"=>{... }

  # What are the suported currencies
  res = ExchangerateHost.supported_symbols
  res['symbols'] #=> {"AED"=>{"description"=>"United Arab Emirates Dirham", "code"=>"AED"}, "AFN"=>{"description"=>"Afghan Afghani", "code"=>"AFN"}... }

Setup default parameter options

You can set default parameter options so that you don't need to pass the same options everytime.

  ExchangerateHost.configure do |conf|
    conf.base = :JPY
    conf.symbols = [:AUD, :USD]
  # or
  ExchangerateHost.configurations.base = :JPY

  # print currernt configuratoins
  ExchangerateHost.configurations.to_options_hash #=> {:base=>:JPY, :symbols=>[:AUD, :USD]}

  # reset configurations
  ExchangerateHost.configurations.to_options_hash #=> {}

  # default options will be overwritten by the passed option value
  ExchangerateHost.configurations.base = :JPY

  ExchangerateHost.latest_rates #=> the base option for the request is JPY
  ExchangerateHost.latest_rates({ base: :AUD }) #=> the base option for the request is now AUD


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at 🙏