
ExchangeRates is a Ruby Gem that allows currency conversion between a number of currencies and allows a historical overview of the currencies. It takes its information from the European Central Banks historical feed.

A demo application can be seen running at and the source code is available here.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'exchange_rates'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install exchange_rates


The first task that the programmer must use is to obtain the data source. The library assumes it will be in ./exchange-rates.xml, however the path can be set via the environment variable EXCHANGE_RATE_FILE, which should point to the exchange rate file. This file can be downloaded from the ECB website.

You can add this to your crontab to automatically download the updated files (where MY_PROJECT_PATH is an absolute path to your project).

@daily curl -o MY_PROJECT_PATH/exchange-rates.xml >/dev/null 2>&1

Finally if you have a different datasource, you can simply parse it and call ExchangeRates.set_rates(data, base_currency), where data will be your currency data organized by date and base_currency will be the currency code to which your rates are relative to. For example:

   Date::civil(2013, 11, 21) => {
    'EUR' => 0.9472,  # means 1 USD = 0.9472 EUR on the 21st Oct 2013
    'JPY' => 135.83,
    'BGN' => 1.9558,
    'CZK' => 27.197
  Date::civil(2013, 11, 20) => {
    'EUR' => 0.9527,
    'JPY' => 135.2,
    'BGN' => 1.9558,
    'CZK' => 27.329
}, 'USD')

Then there are three methods you can call:

at, from_currency, to_currency) returns the exchange rate from from_currency to to_currency on the date date. Given the data above, the call, 11, 20), 'JPY', 'CZK') would return 0.202137574.

The method throws exceptions if asked about missing dates/currencies.


ExchangeRates.convert(amount, opts) converts an amount of money between currencies. The options for this method are:

:from - from currency, defaults to base_currency (see above, for the default data this is EUR)
:to - to currency, defaults to base_currency
:date - date at which to perform conversion, defaults to current date


ExchangeRates.over_time(from, to) gives a hash of all known dates and the exchange rate between from and to.

Again given the above data, calling ExchangeRates.over_time('JPY', 'CZK') gives {Date::civil(2013, 11, 21) => 0.200228226, Date::civil(2013, 11, 20) => 0.202137574}.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request