
Human-friendly DSL for writing HTTP(s) clients in Ruby

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The gem allows writing http(s) clients in a way close to Swagger specifications. Like in Swagger, you need to specify models and operations in domain-specific terms. In addition, the gem supports settings and scopes for instantiating clients and sending requests in idiomatic Ruby.

The gem stands away from mutable states and monkey patching when possible. To support multithreading all instances are immutable (though not frozen to avoid performance loss). Its DSL is backed on top of dry-initializer gem, and supposes heavy usage of dry-types system of contracts.

For now the DSL supports clients to json and form data APIs out of the box. Because of high variance of XML-based APIs, building corresponding clients require more efforts on a middleware level.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'evil-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install evil-client


The following example gives an idea of how a client to remote API looks like when written on top of Evil::Client using dry-types-based contracts.

require "evil-client"
require "dry-types"

class CatsClient < Evil::Client
  # describe a client-specific model of cat (the furry pinnacle of evolution)
  class Cat < Evil::Client::Model
    attribute :name,  type: Dry::Types["strict.string"], optional: true
    attribute :color, type: Dry::Types["strict.string"]
    attribute :age,   type: Dry::Types["coercible.int"], default: proc { 0 }

  # Define settings the client initialized with
  # The settings parameterizes operations when necessary
  settings do
    param  :domain,   type: Dry::Types["strict.string"] # required!
    option :version,  type: Dry::Types["coercible.int"], default: proc { 0 }
    option :user,     type: Dry::Types["strict.string"] # required!
    option :password, type: Dry::Types["strict.string"] # required!

  # Define a base url using
  base_url do |settings|

  # Definitions shared by all operations
  operation do |settings|
    security { basic_auth settings.user, settings.password }

  # Operation-specific definition to update a cat by id
  # This provides low-level DSL `operations[:update_cat].call`
  operation :update_cat do |settings|
    http_method :patch
    path { |id:, **| "cats/#{id}" } # id will be taken from request parameters

    body format: "json" do
      attribute :name,  optional: true
      attribute :color, optional: true
      attribute :age,   optional: true

    response 200 do |body:, **|
      Cat.new JSON.parse(body) # define that the body should be wrapped to cat

    response 422, raise: true do |body:, **|
      JSON.parse(body) # expect 422 to return json data

  # Add top-level DSL
  scope :cats do
    scope do |id|
      def find(**data)
        operations[:update_cat].call(id: id, **data)

# Instantiate a client with concrete settings
cat_client = CatClient.new "awesome-cats", # domain
                           version: 1,
                           user: "cat_lover",
                           password: "purr"

# Use low-level DSL to send requests
cat_client.operations[:update_cat].call id:    4,
                                        age:   10,
                                        name:  "Agamemnon",
                                        color: "tabby"

# Use top-level DSL for the same request
cat_client.cats[4].call(age: 10, name: "Agamemnon", color: "tabby")

# Both the methods send `PATCH https://awesom-cats.example.com/api/v1/cats/7`
# with a specified body and headers (authorization via basic_auth)


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.