
A fast, production ready Ruby implementation of an EventStore (A+ES). For more detail on what an EventStore is checkout what Gregg Young has to stay about it:


Currently, EventStore supports postgres and vertica adapters.

Connecting in Development or Test

EventStore.postgres #test

EventStore.vertica #test

Connecting in Production or Elsewhere

EventStore.custom_config(redis_config, database_config)
#The redis and database configs are the standard hashes expected by the and Sequel.connect -- we just pass them directly in

Notes on Connecting

  • EventStore expects a database called history_store to exist.
  • postgres will try to connect in dev and test mode as 'nexia:Password1@localhost'
  • postgres will assume a port of 5432 if one is not supplied.

  • vertica expects to find an environment variable (VERTICA_HOST) to be set and will use this as the host in dev and test mode

  • vertica will assume its default port if one is not supplied.

  • vertica will try to connect in dev and test mode as 'dbadmin:password@[vertica_host]'

  • To find the ip address of vertica on your local box (running in a vm):

    1. open Settings -> Network and select Wi-Fi
    2. open a terminal in the VM
    3. do /sbin/ifconfig (ifconfig is not in $PATH)
    4. the inet address for en0 is what you want Hint: if it just hangs, you have have the wrong IP

Caveat Emptor

redis, by default, is using database 15. Running the tests will DROP this database every time they run.

Data Structures

EventStore uses two simple data structures:

  EventStore::Event =, :occurred_at, :fully_qualified_name, :serialized_event, :version)
  EventStore::SerializedEvent =, :serialized_event, :version, :occurred_at)
  • aggregate_id is a string uniquely identifying your aggregate
  • occurred_at is a UTC timestamp (for simplicty, EventStore assumes all times given in UTC)
  • fully_qualified_name is the connonical name of the event whose data you are storing
  • serialized_event is a byte array representing the actual event data (in Vertica is a VARBINARY(1000) in postgres it is a BYTEA
  • version is the monotonically increasing version number of each event. This number should be incremented by one, starting at the client's current version (see client.version below) for each event the client wants to store.
  client =,, 'name_updated', DeviceNameUpdated.to_binary, client.version + 1) 

EventStore::Events are appended to the EventStore and EventStore::SerializedEvent are returned from it. The reason for the asymmetry is performance. When you are deserializing thousands or millions of events and they all have the same aggregate id, there is no reason to deserialize that field, and doubly so if you are using a column-store database like Vertica.


client =

# transactionally append an array events to an aggregate's event stream

# Get a list of events representing a snapshot of the aggregate's current state (fast)

# Get an aggregate's entire event stream (can be very large)

# Get an aggregate's event stream starting from a version

# event_stream_from optionally takes a limit
client.event_stream_from(347, 1000)

# Get the last event for an aggregate

# Get the current version of an aggregate

# Drop all events associated with an aggregate, including its snapshot

# Drop all events associated with ALL aggregate


To have event_store cleanup after each spec, drop this in your spec_helper.rb:

require 'event_store'

EventStore.postgres #connect to postgres for specs, if you like

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.after(:each) do