
This is a port of the Perl Etree Scripts to Ruby. This scripts can be used to download the flac source of audience recording of a concert from a site like or The Live Music Archive and convert it to MP3s.

The main feature this provides, aside from converting the FLAC files to MP3, is extracting the track information from the text file in the folder and using that information to populate the MP3 ID3 tags such as Artist, Album, Track Title, Track Title, etc.


You will need flac and lame installed in order to use this. You can install them both using homebrew:

$ brew install flac


$ gem install etree
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ flac2mp3 ph2010-06-12.flacf/ph2010-06-12.txt

Assuming there is a set of flacf files in ~/Downloads/ph2010-06-12.flacf and ph2010-06-12.txt is a text file describing the show, that will create mp3 files in ~/Downloads/ph2010-06-12.mp3f.

Copyright (c) 2010 Paul Barry. See LICENSE for details.