
Raise 4xx and 5xx HTTP status code errors using Errawr.

Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status Code Climate


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'errawr-http'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install errawr-http


Raise HTTP Error

rescue => e
  puts e.message # => Will return "Bad Request"
  puts e.context[:http_status] # => Will return 400

Supported 4xx Status Codes

Message HTTP Status Code Symbol
Bad Request 400 :bad_request
Unauthorized 401 :unauthorized
Payment Required 402 :payment_required
Forbidden 403 :forbidden
Not Found 404 :not_found
Method Not Allowed 405 :method_not_allowed
Not Acceptable 406 :not_acceptable
Proxy Authentication Required 407 :proxy_authentication_required
Request Timeout 408 :request_timeout
Conflict 409 :conflict
Gone 410 :gone
Length Required 411 :length_required
Precondition Failed 412 :precondition_failed
Request Entity Too Large 413 :request_entity_too_large
Request-URI Too Long 414 :request_uri_too_long
Unsupported Media Type 415 :unsupported_media_type
Request Range Not Satisfiable 416 :requested_range_not_satisfiable
Expectation Failed 417 :expectation_failed
Unprocessable Entity 422 :unprocessable_entity
Locked 423 :locked
Failed Dependency 424 :failed_dependency
Upgrade Required 426 :upgrade_required
Precondition Required 428 :precondition_required
Too Many Requests 429 :too_many_requests
Request Header Fields Too Large 431 :request_header_fields_too_large

Supported 5xx Status Codes

Message HTTP Status Code Symbol
Internal Server Error 500 :internal_server_error
Not Implemented 501 :not_implemented
Bad Gateway 502 :bad_gateway
Service Unavailable 503 :service_unavailable
Gateway Timeout 504 :gateway_timeout
HTTP Version Not Supported 505 :http_version_not_supported
Variant Also Negotiates 506 :variant_also_negotiates
Insufficient Storage 507 :insufficient_storage
Loop Detected 508 :loop_detected
Not Extended 510 :not_extended
Network Authentication Required 511 :network_authentication_required


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request



Errawr::HTTP is maintained and funded by Sticksnleaves

Thanks to all of our contributors