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Ruby interface to the EPO Open Patent Services (OPS).

You can play around with the API here. Documentation of it can be found here under Downloads.



In order to use this gem you need to register at the EPO for OAuth here. Use your credentials by configuring

Epo::Ops.configure do |conf|
  conf.consumer_key = "YOUR_KEY"
  conf.consumer_secret = "YOUR_SECRET"

What works up to now

  • Search the EPO OPS register with; use Epo::Ops::SearchQueryBuilder to build an appropriate request.
  • Get bibliographic info from the register, both for application and publication references (which you may retrieve with the search).
  • Bulk searching for all patents on a given date wih Epo::Ops::Register::Bulk.all_queries(date). Note that patents are usually published on Wednesdays, if you find some on another weekday, please let us know. This method currently returns all queries necessary to find all patents with

Use the SearchQueryBuilder to set up the queries. By default structs are returned that should make it easier to work with the results, but with the raw-flag set to true you may also retrieve the resulting hash and parse it yourself. The results have the method #epodoc_reference which perfectly fits into #biblio


With Epo::Ops::Register.biblio(reference_id) you can retrieve the bibliographic entry for the given patent (see OPS documentation). By default it searches the /application/ endpoint, but you may set publication as the second parameter. Make sure the reference_id matches the given type. The last optional parameter allows you to set another format the id, but the default epodoc is strongly advised. This format is also provided from search results with #epodoc_reference.