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Rake tasks to generate a test application for a Rails Engine gem.

If you have a Rails Engine and want to test it, the suggested approach is a small dummy application that loads up a Rails application with your engine loaded. This dummy application is usually checked into source control and maintained with the application. This works great, until you want to test:

  • different versions of Ruby (e.g. MRI and JRuby)
  • different versions of Rails (Rails 3.x, 4.0 and 4.1)
  • different deployment environments (with and without devise, etc)

where each scenario may involve different configurations, Gemfiles, etc.

EngineCart helps by adding Rake tasks to your Engine that builds a test application for you using Rails generators (and/or application templates).


Add this line to your engines's Gemfile:

gem 'engine_cart'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install engine_cart


Engine Cart comes with a generator to set up your engine to use Engine Cart. It is also packaged as a rake task:

In your Rakefile add:

require 'engine_cart/rake_task'

then you can call:

$ rake engine_cart:prepare

In your Rakefile you can generate the Rails application using, e.g.:

require 'engine_cart/rake_task'

task :ci => ['engine_cart:generate'] do
  # run the tests

And in your e.g. spec_helper.rb (or rails_helper.rb), initialize EngineCart:

  require 'engine_cart'

When you want to clean out and regenerate the test application, you can call:

$ rake engine_cart:regenerate


You can configure where the test app is created by setting the ENGINE_CART_DESTINATION env variable, e.g.:

ENGINE_CART_DESTINATION="/tmp/generate-the-test-app-into-tmp-instead-of-your-app" rake ci

After creating the test application, Engine Cart will run the test app generator (located in ./spec/test_app_templates/lib/generators). By default, it will attempt to run the install generator for your engine. If you do not have an install generator, or want to add additional steps (e.g. to install additional gems), you can add them to the TestAppGenerator.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request