Encrypted session cookies for Rack (and therefore Sinatra)

The encrypted_cookie gem provides 128-bit-AES-encrypted, tamper-proof cookies for Rack through the class Rack::Session::EncryptedCookie.

$ gem install encrypted_cookie

Sinatra example:

require 'sinatra'
require 'encrypted_cookie'

use Rack::Session::EncryptedCookie,

get '/' do
  session[:foo] = 'bar'
  "session: " + session.inspect

* Your :secret must be at least 16 bytes long and should be really random.

Encryption and integrity protection

The cookie encryption method is 128-bit AES (with salt). Additionally, the cookies are integrity protected with Rack's built-in HMAC support, which means that if a user tampers with their cookie in any way, their session will immediately be reset to {} (empty hash).

Generating a good secret

require 'openssl'
puts OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(16).inspect