Ember Magic Table

Ember Magic Table, like the name implies, will magically build you a table from a collection of Ember Data models. It uses ember-table to do the heavy lifting. You can click to edit any cell, and it will commit to the data store on enter. You can also add rows (and probably remove them in the near future).

How to use it

Let's say you have a model like so:

App.Person = DS.Model.extend
  firstName: DS.attr('string')
  lastName: DS.attr('string')
  birthDate: DS.attr('date')
  age: DS.attr('number')

Then imagine you have a route like so:

App.Router.map ->
  @resource "persons"

App.PersonsRoute = Ember.Route.extend
  model: -> App.Person.find()

Then in your persons template, all you need to do is:

{{ magicEditableTable }}

Poof, you have table of people. You can add people, edit them, yay!

How does it work

TBD: Blarg post explaining the codez