
This is a simple library for interacting with LXC. It relies on LXC tools being installed on the system to properly function. It is extracted from the Chef LXC cookbook, so poke around there


require 'elecksee/lxc'

lxc = Lxc.new('my-container')
p lxc.info


Awesome ephemerals lets you create ephemeral nodes with different overlays for the rootfs. Since tmpfs will place a size restriction on ephemerals based on current memory available, this provides a simple workaround. Currently supported is a raw temporary directory on the host, or a VBD that defaults to 2GB.

Using temporary directory

$ lxc-awesome-ephemeral -o ubuntu -d -z /tmp/lxc-roots

Using VBD

$ lxc-awesome-ephemeral -o ubuntu -d -D 2000

This will create a 2GB virtual block device for the container to use for the overlay.


Overlays are not persistent (thus ephemeral) and will be automatically cleaned up when the container has reached a stop state.
