
This library provides Ruby API for the Watcher plugin.

Please refer to the Watcher documentation for information about the plugin.


Install the package from Rubygems:

gem install elasticsearch-watcher

To use an unreleased version, either add it to your Gemfile for Bundler:

gem 'elasticsearch-watcher', git: 'git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git'

or install it from a source code checkout:

git clone https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git
cd elasticsearch-ruby/elasticsearch-watcher
bundle install
rake install


The documentation for the Ruby API methods is available at http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/elasticsearch-watcher.

A comprehensive example of registering a watch, triggering the actions, and getting information about the watch execution is quoted below.

require 'elasticsearch'
require 'elasticsearch/watcher'

client = Elasticsearch::Client.new url: 'http://localhost:9200', log: true
client.transport.logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "\e[2m#{msg}\e[0m\n" end

# Delete the Watcher and test indices
client.indices.delete index: ['alerts', 'test', '.watches', '.watch_history*'], ignore: 404

# Print information about the Watcher plugin
puts "Watcher #{client.watcher.info['version']['number']}"

# Register a new watch
client.watcher.put_watch id: 'error_500', body: {
  # Label the watch
  metadata: { tags: ['errors'] },

  # Run the watch every 10 seconds
  trigger: { schedule: { interval: '10s' } },

  # Search for at least 3 documents matching the condition
  condition: {  script: { inline: 'ctx.payload.hits.total > 3' } },

  # Throttle the watch execution for 30 seconds
  throttle_period: '30s',

  # The search request to execute
  input:   { search: {
               request: {
                 indices: ['test'],
                 body: {
                   query: {
                     filtered: {
                       query: { match: { status: 500 } },
                       filter: { range: { timestamp: { from: '{{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}||-5m', to: '{{ctx.trigger.triggered_time}}' } } }
                   # Return statistics about different hosts
                   aggregations: {
                    hosts: { terms: { field: 'host' } }

  # The actions to perform
  actions: {
    send_email:    {
      transform: {
        # Transform the data for the template
        script: 'return [ total: ctx.payload.hits.total, hosts: ctx.payload.aggregations.hosts.buckets.collect { [ host: it.key, errors: it.doc_count ] }, errors: ctx.payload.hits.hits.collect { it._source } ];'
      email: { to:        '[email protected]',
               subject:   '[ALERT] {{ctx.watch_id}}',
               body:      "Received {{ctx.payload.total}} error documents in the last 5 minutes.\n\nHosts:\n\n{{#ctx.payload.hosts}}* {{host}} ({{errors}})\n{{/ctx.payload.hosts}}",
               attach_data: true }
    index_payload: {
      # Transform the data to be stored
      transform: { script: 'return [ watch_id: ctx.watch_id, payload: ctx.payload ]' },
      index: { index: 'alerts', doc_type: 'alert' }
    ping_webhook: {
      webhook: {
        method: 'POST',
        host:   'localhost',
        port:   4567,
        path:   '/',
        body:   %q|{"watch_id" : "{{ctx.watch_id}}", "payload" : "{{ctx.payload}}"}| }

# Index documents to trigger the watch
5.times do
  client.index index: 'test', type: 'd',
               body: { timestamp: Time.now.utc.iso8601, status: 500, host: "10.0.0.#{rand(1..3)}" }

# Wait a bit...
print "Waiting 30 seconds..."
$i=0; while $i < 30 do
  sleep(1); print('.'); $i+=1
end; puts "\n"

# Display information about watch execution
puts '='*80, ""
client.search(index: '.watch_history*', q: 'watch_id:error_500', sort: 'trigger_event.schedule.triggered_time:asc')['hits']['hits'].each do |r|
  puts "#{r['_id']} : #{r['_source']['state']}"

# Delete the watch
puts "Deleting the watch..."
client.watcher.delete_watch id: 'error_500', master_timeout: '30s', force: true

You can run a simple Sinatra server to test the webhook action with the following Ruby code:

ruby -r sinatra -r json -e 'post("/") { json = JSON.parse(request.body.read); puts %Q~Received #{json["watch_id"]} with payload: #{json["payload"]}~ }'


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

Copyright (c) 2015 Elasticsearch <http://www.elasticsearch.org>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.