
This library is part of the elasticsearch-ruby package; please refer to it, unless you want to use this library standalone.

The elasticsearch-api library provides a Ruby implementation of the Elasticsearch REST API.

It does not provide an Elasticsearch client; see the elasticsearch-transport library.

The library is compatible with Ruby 1.9 and higher.

It is compatible with Elasticsearch's API versions from 0.90 till current, just use a release matching major version of Elasticsearch.

Ruby Elasticsearch
0.90 0.90
1.x 1.x
2.x 2.x
5.x 5.x
6.x 6.x
7.x 7.x
master master


Install the package from Rubygems:

gem install elasticsearch-api

To use an unreleased version, either add it to your Gemfile for Bundler:

gem 'elasticsearch-api', git: 'git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git'

or install it from a source code checkout:

git clone https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git
cd elasticsearch-ruby/elasticsearch-api
bundle install
rake install


The library is designed as a group of standalone Ruby modules, which can be mixed into a class providing connection to Elasticsearch -- an Elasticsearch client.

Usage with the elasticsearch gem

When you use the client from the elasticsearch-ruby package, the library modules have been already included, so you just call the API methods:

require 'elasticsearch'

client = Elasticsearch::Client.new log: true

client.index  index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: 1, body: { title: 'Test' }
# => {"_index"=>"myindex", ... "created"=>true}

client.search index: 'myindex', body: { query: { match: { title: 'test' } } }
# => {"took"=>2, ..., "hits"=>{"total":5, ...}}

Full documentation and examples are included as RDoc annotations in the source code and available online at http://rubydoc.info/gems/elasticsearch-api.

Usage with a custom client

When you want to mix the library into your own client, it must conform to a following contract:

  • It responds to a perform_request(method, path, params, body, headers) method,
  • the method returns an object with status, body and headers methods.

A simple client could look like this:

require 'multi_json'
require 'faraday'
require 'elasticsearch/api'

class MySimpleClient
  include Elasticsearch::API

  CONNECTION = ::Faraday::Connection.new url: 'http://localhost:9200'

  def perform_request(method, path, params, body, headers = nil)
    puts "--> #{method.upcase} #{path} #{params} #{body} #{headers}"

    CONNECTION.run_request \
      ( body ? MultiJson.dump(body): nil ),
      {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}

client = MySimpleClient.new

p client.cluster.health
# --> GET _cluster/health {}
# => "{"cluster_name":"elasticsearch" ... }"

p client.index index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: 'custom', body: { title: "Indexing from my client" }
# --> PUT myindex/mytype/custom {} {:title=>"Indexing from my client"}
# => "{"ok":true, ... }"

Using JSON Builders

Instead of passing the :body argument as a Ruby Hash, you can pass it as a String, potentially taking advantage of JSON builders such as JBuilder or Jsonify:

require 'jbuilder'

query = Jbuilder.encode do |json|
  json.query do
    json.match do
      json.title do
        json.query    'test 1'
        json.operator 'and'

client.search index: 'myindex', body: query

# 2013-06-25 09:56:05 +0200: GET http://localhost:9200/myindex/_search [status:200, request:0.015s, query:0.011s]
# 2013-06-25 09:56:05 +0200: > {"query":{"match":{"title":{"query":"test 1","operator":"and"}}}}
# ...
# => {"took"=>21, ..., "hits"=>{"total"=>1, "hits"=>[{ "_source"=>{"title"=>"Test 1", ...}}]}}

Using Hash Wrappers

For a more comfortable access to response properties, you may wrap it in one of the Hash "object access" wrappers, such as Hashie::Mash:

require 'hashie'

response = client.search index: 'myindex',
                         body: {
                           query: { match: { title: 'test' } },
                           aggregations: { tags: { terms: { field: 'tags' } } }

mash = Hashie::Mash.new response

# => 'Test'

# => #<Hashie::Mash count=3 term="z">

Using a Custom JSON Serializer

The library uses the MultiJson gem by default, but allows you to set a custom JSON library, provided it uses the standard load/dump interface:

Elasticsearch::API.settings[:serializer] = JrJackson::Json
Elasticsearch::API.serializer.dump({foo: 'bar'})
# => {"foo":"bar"}


To work on the code, clone and bootstrap the main repository first -- please see instructions in the main README.

To run tests, launch a testing cluster -- again, see instructions in the main README -- and use the Rake tasks:

time rake test:unit
time rake test:integration

Unit tests have to use Ruby 1.8 compatible syntax, integration tests can use Ruby 2.x syntax and features.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license.