
This library is part of the elasticsearch-ruby package; please refer to it, unless you want to use this library standalone.

The elasticsearch-api library provides a Ruby implementation of the Elasticsearch REST API.

It does not provide an Elasticsearch client; see the elasticsearch-transport library.

The library is compatible with Ruby 1.9 and higher.

It is compatible with Elasticsearch's API versions from 0.90 till current, just use a release matching major version of Elasticsearch.

Ruby Elasticsearch
0.90 0.90
1.x 1.x
2.x 2.x
5.x 5.x
6.x 6.x
master master


Install the package from Rubygems:

gem install elasticsearch-api

To use an unreleased version, either add it to your Gemfile for Bundler:

gem 'elasticsearch-api', git: 'git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git'

or install it from a source code checkout:

git clone https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git
cd elasticsearch-ruby/elasticsearch-api
bundle install
rake install


The library is designed as a group of standalone Ruby modules, which can be mixed into a class providing connection to Elasticsearch -- an Elasticsearch client.

Usage with the elasticsearch gem

When you use the client from the elasticsearch-ruby package, the library modules have been already included, so you just call the API methods:

require 'elasticsearch'

client = Elasticsearch::Client.new log: true

client.index  index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: 1, body: { title: 'Test' }
# => {"_index"=>"myindex", ... "created"=>true}

client.search index: 'myindex', body: { query: { match: { title: 'test' } } }
# => {"took"=>2, ..., "hits"=>{"total":5, ...}}

Full documentation and examples are included as RDoc annotations in the source code and available online at http://rubydoc.info/gems/elasticsearch-api.

Usage with a custom client

When you want to mix the library into your own client, it must conform to a following contract:

  • It responds to a perform_request(method, path, params, body) method,
  • the method returns an object with status, body and headers methods.

A simple client could look like this:

require 'multi_json'
require 'faraday'
require 'elasticsearch/api'

class MySimpleClient
  include Elasticsearch::API

  CONNECTION = ::Faraday::Connection.new url: 'http://localhost:9200'

  def perform_request(method, path, params, body)
    puts "--> #{method.upcase} #{path} #{params} #{body}"

    CONNECTION.run_request \
      ( body ? MultiJson.dump(body): nil ),
      {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}

client = MySimpleClient.new

p client.cluster.health
# --> GET _cluster/health {}
# => "{"cluster_name":"elasticsearch" ... }"

p client.index index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: 'custom', body: { title: "Indexing from my client" }
# --> PUT myindex/mytype/custom {} {:title=>"Indexing from my client"}
# => "{"ok":true, ... }"

Using JSON Builders

Instead of passing the :body argument as a Ruby Hash, you can pass it as a String, potentially taking advantage of JSON builders such as JBuilder or Jsonify:

require 'jbuilder'

query = Jbuilder.encode do |json|
  json.query do
    json.match do
      json.title do
        json.query    'test 1'
        json.operator 'and'

client.search index: 'myindex', body: query

# 2013-06-25 09:56:05 +0200: GET http://localhost:9200/myindex/_search [status:200, request:0.015s, query:0.011s]
# 2013-06-25 09:56:05 +0200: > {"query":{"match":{"title":{"query":"test 1","operator":"and"}}}}
# ...
# => {"took"=>21, ..., "hits"=>{"total"=>1, "hits"=>[{ "_source"=>{"title"=>"Test 1", ...}}]}}

Using Hash Wrappers

For a more comfortable access to response properties, you may wrap it in one of the Hash "object access" wrappers, such as Hashie::Mash:

require 'hashie'

response = client.search index: 'myindex',
                         body: {
                           query: { match: { title: 'test' } },
                           aggregations: { tags: { terms: { field: 'tags' } } }

mash = Hashie::Mash.new response

# => 'Test'

# => #<Hashie::Mash count=3 term="z">

Using a Custom JSON Serializer

The library uses the MultiJson gem by default, but allows you to set a custom JSON library, provided it uses the standard load/dump interface:

Elasticsearch::API.settings[:serializer] = JrJackson::Json
Elasticsearch::API.serializer.dump({foo: 'bar'})
# => {"foo":"bar"}


To work on the code, clone and bootstrap the main repository first -- please see instructions in the main README.

To run tests, launch a testing cluster -- again, see instructions in the main README -- and use the Rake tasks:

time rake test:unit
time rake test:integration

Unit tests have to use Ruby 1.8 compatible syntax, integration tests can use Ruby 2.x syntax and features.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

Copyright (c) 2013 Elasticsearch <http://www.elasticsearch.org>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.