EKS cluster bootstrap with batteries included


  • Supports creation of multiple node groups of different types with communication enabled between them
  • Taint and label your nodegroups
  • Authorize IAM users for cluster access
  • Manage IAM policies that will be attached to your nodes
  • Easily configure docker repository secrets to allow pulling private images
  • Manage Route53 DNS records to point at your Kubernetes services
  • Export nodegroups to SporInst Elastigroups
  • Auto resolving AMIs by region & instance types (GPU enabled AMIs)
  • Even more...


$ gem install eks_cli
$ eks create --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster
$ eks create-nodegroup --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster --group-name nodes --ssh-key-name <my-ssh-key> --yes

You can type eks in your shell to get the full synopsis of available commands

  eks add-iam-user IAM_ARN                                     # adds an IAM user as an authorized member on the EKS cluster
  eks create                                                   # creates a new EKS cluster
  eks create-cluster-security-group                            # creates a SG for cluster communication
  eks create-cluster-vpc                                       # creates a vpc according to aws cloudformation template
  eks create-default-storage-class                             # creates default storage class on a new k8s cluster
  eks create-dns-autoscaler                                    # creates kube dns autoscaler
  eks create-eks-cluster                                       # create EKS cluster on AWS
  eks create-eks-role                                          # creates an IAM role for usage by EKS
  eks create-nodegroup                                         # creates all nodegroups on environment
  eks delete-nodegroup                                         # deletes cloudformation stack for nodegroup
  eks detach-iam-policies                                      # detaches added policies to nodegroup IAM Role
  eks enable-gpu                                               # installs nvidia plugin as a daemonset on the cluster
  eks export-nodegroup                                         # exports nodegroup auto scaling group to spotinst
  eks help [COMMAND]                                           # Describe available commands or one specific command
  eks scale-nodegroup --group-name=GROUP_NAME --max=N --min=N  # scales a nodegroup
  eks set-docker-registry-credentials USERNAME PASSWORD EMAIL  # sets docker registry credentials
  eks set-iam-policies --policies=one two three                # sets IAM policies to be attached to created nodegroups
  eks set-inter-vpc-networking TO_VPC_ID TO_SG_ID              # creates a vpc peering connection, sets route tables and allows network access on SG
  eks show-config                                              # print cluster configuration
  eks update-auth                                              # update aws auth configmap to allow all nodegroups to connect to control plane
  eks update-dns HOSTNAME K8S_SERVICE_NAME                     # alters route53 CNAME records to point to k8s service ELBs
  eks version                                                  # prints eks_cli version
  eks wait-for-cluster                                         # waits until cluster responds to HTTP requests

  c, --cluster-name=CLUSTER_NAME 


  1. Ruby
  2. kubectl version >= 10 on your PATH
  3. aws-iam-authenticator on your PATH
  4. aws-cli version >= 1.16.18 on your PATH

Selected Commands

Creating more than a single nodegroup

Nodegroups are created separately from the cluster.

You can use eks create-nodegroup multiple times to create several nodegroups with different instance types and number of workers. Nodes in different nodegroups may communicate freely thanks to a shared Security Group.

Scaling nodegroups

Scale nodegroups up and down using

$ eks scale-nodegroup --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster --group-name nodes --min 1 --max 10

Authorize an IAM user to access the cluster

$ eks add-iam-user arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXX:user/XXXXXXXX --cluster-name=My-EKS-Cluster --yes

Edits aws-auth configmap and updates it on EKS to allow an IAM user access the cluster via kubectl

Setting IAM policies to be attached to EKS nodes

$ eks set-iam-policies --cluster-name=My-EKS-Cluster --policies=AmazonS3FullAccess AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess

Sets IAM policies to be attached to nodegroups once created. This settings does not work retro-actively - only affects future eks create-nodegroup commands.

Routing Route53 hostnames to Kubernetes service

$ eks update-dns my-cool-service.my-company.com cool-service --route53-hosted-zone-id=XXXXX --elb-hosted-zone-id=XXXXXX --cluster-name=My-EKS-Cluster

Takes the ELB endpoint from cool-service and puts it as an alias record of my-cool-service.my-company.com on Route53

Enabling GPU

$ eks enable-gpu --cluster-name EKS-Staging

Installs the nvidia device plugin required to have your GPUs exposed


  1. You have a nodegroup using EKS GPU AMI
  2. This nodegroup uses a GPU instance (p2.x / p3.x etc)

Adding Dockerhub Secrets

$ eks set-docker-registry-credentials <dockerhub-user> <dockerhub-password> <dockerhub-email> --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster

Adds your dockerhub credentials as a secret and attaches it to the default ServiceAccount's imagePullSecrets

Creating Default Storage Class

$ eks create-default-storage-class --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster

Creates a standard gp2 default storage class named gp2

Installing DNS autoscaler

$ eks create-dns-autoscaler --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster

Creates kube-dns autoscaler with sane defaults

Connecting to an existing VPC

$ eks set-inter-vpc-networking VPC_ID SG_ID

Assuming you have some shared resources on another VPC (an RDS instance for example), this command opens communication between your new EKS cluster and your old VPC:

  1. Creating and accepting a VPC peering connection from your EKS cluster VPC to the old VPC
  2. Setting route tables on both directions to allow communication
  3. Adding an ingress rule to SG_ID to accept all communication from your new cluster nodes.

Exporting nodegroups to Spotinst

$ eks export-nodegroup --group-name=other-nodes

Exports the corresponding Auto Scaling Group to a Spotinst Elastigroup

Requires the following environment variables to be set:



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