EKS cluster bootstrap with batteries included


$ gem install eks_cli
$ eks bootstrap us-west-2 --cluster-name=My-EKS-Cluster
$ eks create-cluster-vpc --cluster-name=My-EKS-Cluster
$ eks create-cluster-security-group --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster --open-ports=22
$ eks create-nodegroup --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster --group-name nodes --ssh-key-name my-ssh-key --min 1 --max 3
$ eks create-nodegroup --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster --group-name other-nodes --ssh-key-name my-ssh-key --min 3 --max 3 --instance-type m5.2xlarge
$ eks create-nodegroup --all --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster --yes

Extra Stuff

Setting IAM policies to be attached to EKS nodes

$ eks set-iam-policies --cluster-name=My-EKS-Cluster --policies=AmazonS3FullAccess AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess

Makes sure all nodegroup instances are attached with the above policies once created

Routing Route53 hostnames to Kubernetes service

$ eks update-dns my-cool-service.my-company.com cool-service --route53-hosted-zone-id=XXXXX --elb-hosted-zone-id=XXXXXX --cluster-name=My-EKS-Cluster

Takes the ELB endpoint from cool-service and puts it as an alias record of my-cool-service.my-company.com

Enabling GPU

$ eks enable-gpu --cluster-name EKS-Staging

Installs the nvidia device plugin required to have your GPUs exposed


  1. You have a nodegroup using EKS GPU AMI
  2. This nodegroup uses a GPU instance (p2.x / p3.x etc)

Adding Dockerhub Secrets

$ eks set-docker-registry-credentials <dockerhub-user> <dockerhub-email> <dockerhub-password> --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster

Adds your dockerhub credentials as a secret and attaches it to the default serviceaccount imagePullSecrets

Creating Default Storage Class

$ eks create-default-storage-class --cluster-name My-EKS-Cluster

Creates a standard gp2 default storage class named gp2