EJSON is a small library to manage encrypted secrets using PKCS7 (asymmetric) encryption. It provides a simple command interface to manage and update secrets in a JSON file where keys are cleartext and values are encrypted.


It's on rubygems. Just gem install ejson or add it to your Gemfile.


1) Create a secrets.ejson:

echo '{"a": "b"}' > config/secrets.production.ejson

Keys in this file will remain in cleartext, while values will all be encrypted. It can be arbitrarily nested.

2) Encrypt the file:


This updates config/secrets.ejson in place, encrypting any newly-added or modified values that are not yet encrypted. ejson is short-hand for ejson encrypt.

3) Decrypt the file:

 ejson decrypt -k ~/.keys/ejson.priv.pem -p config/ejson.pub.pem secrets.production.ejson > secrets.production.json

Unlike encrypt, decrypt doesn't update the file in-place; it prints the decrypted contents to stdout. It also requires access to the private key created in step 1.

See ejson help for more information.

Custom keypair:

We use a single keypair internally; the default public key is fetched from S3 on each run. However, you can generate your own keypair like so:

mkdir config && cd config
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 100000 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout privatekey.pem -out publickey.pem -subj '/'

publickey.pem and privatekey.pem are created. Move privatekey.pem somewhere more secure.

mkdir -p ~/.keys
mv config/privatekey.pem ~/.keys/ejson.pem

Then you can encrypt like:

ejson encrypt -p config/publickey.pem secrets.ejson