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EGI FedCloud VMHound

A proof-of-concept utility for locating VM instances in EGI Federated Cloud.



  • Debian-based bash $ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libxml2 build-essential
  • RHEL-based bash $ sudo yum install ruby ruby-devel libxml2


$ gem install egi-fedcloud-vmhound
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound help

From Source

$ git clone
$ cd egi-fedcloud-vmhound
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec bin/egi-fedcloud-vmhound help


$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound help
  egi-fedcloud-vmhound appuri URI      # Prints information based on the provided Appliance MPURI
  egi-fedcloud-vmhound help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  egi-fedcloud-vmhound ip IP_ADDRESS   # Prints information based on the provided IP address or IP address range
  egi-fedcloud-vmhound user ID         # Prints information based on the provided user identifier
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound help user

$ USER_DN="/DC=cz/DC=cesnet-ca/O=CESNET/CN=John Doe"
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound user $USER_DN
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound user $USER_DN --format=plain
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound user $USER_DN --format=json
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound help appuri

$ MPURI=""
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound appuri $MPURI
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound appuri $MPURI --format=plain
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound appuri $MPURI --format=json
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound help ip

$ IP_ADDRESS="" # range or host IP
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound ip $IP_ADDRESS
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound ip $IP_ADDRESS --format=plain
$ egi-fedcloud-vmhound ip $IP_ADDRESS --format=json


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request