Module: EDI::Diagram

Defined in:


Classes related to message diagrams and validation for the EDI module “edi4r”, a class library to parse and create UN/EDIFACT and other EDI data

:include: ../../AuthorCopyright

$Id: diagrams.rb,v 1.8 2006/05/26 16:57:37 werntges Exp werntges $ – $Log: diagrams.rb,v $ Revision 1.8 2006/05/26 16:57:37 werntges V 0.9.3 snapshot. RDoc added, some refactoring / renaming / cleanups

Revision 1.7 2006/04/28 14:25:42 werntges 0.9.1 snapshot

Revision 1.6 2006/03/28 22:24:58 werntges changed from strings to symbols as parameter keys, e.g. :d0051

Revision 1.5 2006/03/22 16:57:17 werntges id –> object_id

Revision 1.4 2004/02/19 17:34:58 heinz HWW: Snapshot after REMADV mapping

Revision 1.3 2004/02/11 23:39:14 heinz HWW: IDoc support added, lots of dead code/data removed,

caching bug fixed, seek! augmented to accept also Regexp, ...

Revision 1.2 2004/02/10 18:17:52 heinz HWW: Temp. check-in, before adding support for multiple standards

Revision 1.1 2003/10/22 16:56:30 heinz Initial revision

To-do list: all - Just starting this… ++

Module “EDI::Diagram” bundles the classes needed to maintain branching diagrams, i.e. data structures that formally define message types.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Branch, Diagram, Node, NodeCoords, NodeInstance, SNode, TNode