
Edgarj is an Ajax-based scaffold with:

  • QBE(Query By Example) search form.

  • column sort on record list.

  • popup view & controller for ‘belongs_to’ relation table to pick up a parent record.

  • csv download.

  • user-role based access control.

  • Following levels of customization:

    1. select columns and its order on view for list, form, and search-form

    2. overwrite partial-template for each list, form, and search-form


Edgarj 4.* for Rails 4.* Edgarj 0.* for Rails 3.2


  • Rails

  • external ‘User’ model.

Dummy App

  • How to run

    $ cd test/dummy
    $ rake db:drop && rake db:create && rake db:migrate
    $ FIXTURES_PATH=../../test/fixtures rake db:fixtures:load
    $ rails server
  • How to test

    $ cd [RAILS_ROOT]
    $ rake test


  • “rake scaffold” (not “rake edgarj:scaffold”) generates WRONG functional test, which uses Edgarj’s functional test template.

Building Package

  1. make sure to increment lib/edgarj/version.rb

  2. check if all tests are passed:

    $ bundle exec rake test
  3. commit any updated files.

  4. Gem package is built under pkg/edgarj-N.NN.NN.gem by:

    $ bundle exec rake app:edgarj:build_gem
  5. commit Gemfile.lock when it is updated.

  6. puch the package to rubygems site by:

    $ gem push pkg/edgarj-N.NN.NN.gem