
Ecology is a gem to handle configuration variables. At Ooyala, we use it for setting application metadata about logging, monitoring, testing, deployment and other "outside the application" infrastructure. So it's the application's ecology, right?


"gem install ecology" works pretty well. You can also specify Ecology from a Gemfile if you're using Bundler.

Ooyalans should make sure that "gems.sv2" is listed as a gem source in your Gemfile or on your gem command line.

Finding Your Ecology

By default an application called "" will have an ecology file in the same directory called "bob.ecology". Ecology just strips off the final file extension, replaces it with ".ecology", and looks there.

You can also specify a different location in your call, or set the ECOLOGY_SPEC environment variable to a different location.

An Ecology is a JSON file of roughly this structure:

{ "application": "MyApp", "environment-from": "RACK_ENV", "logging": { "default_component": "SplodgingLib", "extra_json_fields": { "app_group": "SuperSpiffyGroup", "precedence": 7 }, "console_print": "off", "filename": "/tmp/bobo.txt", "stderr_level": "fatal" }, "monitoring": { "zookeeper-host": "zookeeper-dev.sv2" } }

Absolutely every part of it is optional, including the presence of the file at all.

You can override the application name, as shown above.


If you have a configurable per-environment path, you probably want it in the "paths" section of your ecology. For instance:

{ "application": "SomeApp", "paths": { "pid_location": "/pid_dir/", "app1_location": "$app/../dir1", "app1_log_path": "$cwd/logs" } }

You can then access these paths with Ecology.path("app1_location") and similar. In the paths, "$app" will be replaced by the directory the application is run from, "$cwd" will be replaced by the current working directory, "$env" will be replaced by the current environment, and "$pid" will be replaced by the current process ID.

Reading Data

If your library is configured via Ecology, you'll likely want to read data from it. For instance, let's look at the Termite logging library's method of configuration:

{ "application": "SomeApp", "logging": { "level": "info", "stderr_level": "warn", "stdout_level": 4, "file_path": "$app/../log_to", "extra_json_fields": { "app_tag": "splodging_apps", "precedence": 9 } } }

Termite can read the level via"logging:level"), which will give it in whatever form it appears in the JSON."logging:extra_json_fields") would be returned as a Hash. You can return it as a String, Symbol, Array, Fixnum or Hash by supplying the :as option:"logging:info", :as => Symbol) # :info"logging:stdout_level", :as => String) # "4""logging:extra_json_fields", :as => Symbol) # error!"logging:file_path", :as => :path) # "/home/theuser/sub/log_to"

Environment-Specific Data

Often you'll want to supply a different path, hostname or other configuration variable depending on what environment you're currently deployed to - staging may want a different MemCacheD server than development, say.

Here's another logging example:

{ "application": "Ooyala Rails", "environment-from": ["RAILS_ENV", "RACK_ENV"], "logging": { "console_out": { "env:development": true, "env:*": false }, "stderr_level": { "env:development": "fatal", "env:production": "warn" }, "stdout_level": "info" } }

In this case, data can be converted from a Hash into a Fixnum or String automatically:"logging:stderr_level", :as => String)

Ecology returns "fatal" or "warn" here, depending on the value of RAILS_ENV or RACK_ENV.

Using Other Ecologies

The data in a given Ecology file can build on one or more other Ecology files.

{ "application": "SomeApp", "environment-from": [ "APP_ENV", "RACK_ENV" ], "uses": [ "ecologies/logging.ecology", "ecologies/monitoring.ecology" ] }

Each field will be overridden by the "latest" value -- the top-level Ecology overrides the Ecologies that it uses, and so on. If multiple Ecologies are used, the earlier Ecologies in the list override the later Ecologies.

This can be used to set up Ecology "modules" for common functionality, or to override certain settings in certain environments from a common base template.


You often want to set your ecology-related properties when the ecology is initialized, but no earlier. You may not know exactly when the earliest call to will be. In that case, you want to use the on_initialize event hook:

Ecology.on_initialize do @my_property ="my:property") end

If the ecology was already initialized before you set the on_initialize hook, then the hook will run immediately.

There is also an on_reset hook. Read "Testing with an Ecology" to find out why you'd ever care about that.

Testing with an Ecology

In production use, you'll probably never reset the ecology. However, in testing you may frequently want to, especially if you're testing a library that ties closely into the ecology.

There are two basic approaches your library can take, and they affect testing.

Termite, our logging library, copies settings from the ecology into its instance. Then, when you reset the ecology, you can also discard old logger objects with old settings.

Glowworm, our feature flags library, is basically a big singleton and uses ecology data, so it needs to reset its internal state when the ecology is reset, and then re-read that state when the ecology is next initialized.

Code for that for your library might look something like:

MyLib.on_reset do @myvar1 = nil @myvar2 = nil end

MyLib.on_initialize do @myvar1 ="mylib:property1", :as => :string) @myvar2 ="mylib:property2", :as => :path) end

Hooks persist across resets. That is, your on_reset hook will be called on every reset until you explicitly remove it.

Releasing within Ooyala

Ooyalans, to release Ecology to gems.sv2, use the following:

gem build rake 0.8.7 -f ../ooyala_gems.rake gem:push ecology-0.0.1.gem

Change the version to the actual version you'd like to push.