Echoe is a simple tool for working with Rubygems. It generates Rake tasks for documentation, extension compiling, testing, packaging, and deployment.


Copyright 2007 Cloudburst, LLC. See the included LICENSE file. Portions copyright 2006 Ryan Davis/Zen Spider Software and used with permission. See the included MIT-LICENSE file.

The public certificate for this gem is at


  • simple configuration

  • comprehensive gem deployment

  • signed gem support

  • automatic changeset parsing

  • documentation upload to any host



sudo gem install echoe

Project configuration

Organize your gem according to the usual structure:


You can add the bin/ or ext/ folders if you have executables or extensions, respectively.

Your CHANGELOG should be formatted as follows (including newlines):

v2.1. newest change

v2. older change

v1.9. oldest change

This way Echoe can parse the latest version and changeset message automatically.

Your Rakefile needs the following minimal contents:

require 'echoe''gem_name')

More advanced configuration is described in the Echoe class.

Deploying your gem

First, run rubyforge setup and rubyforge config if you haven’t already. Make sure your Rubyforge password is correctly set.

Now, to deploy the gem and documentation:

rake manifest
rake release
rake publish_docs

Once you’ve built your manifest, you only need to rebuild it if you add or remove files from the package structure.


All Rake tasks

The following tasks are made available to your gem.


  • manifest - Build a manifest list.

  • docs - Build the documentation.

  • package - Build all the packages.


  • test - Run the test suite.

  • compile - Compile C extensions, if available.

  • clean - Clean up generated documentation, packaging, and build files.

  • install - Install the gem locally.

  • uninstall - Uninstall the gem.


  • publish_docs - Publish documentation to the web.

  • release - Package and upload the latest release to Rubyforge.

  • announce - Generate a release announcement, edit it, and post it to Rubyforge.


  • clean - Delete all the generated documentation and packages.

  • redocs - Force a rebuild of the Rdoc files.

  • repackage - Force a rebuild of the package files.

Reporting problems

Patches and contributions are very welcome. Please note that contributors are required to assign copyright for their additions to Cloudburst, LLC.

Further resources