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ec2spec is a simple comparison tool for Amazon EC2 Instances you can access.

Supports the following items.

item from
instance type host
instance id host
vCPU AWS Price List API
memory AWS Price List API
price AWS Price List API

The target host must be accessible from the machine. Also, only On-Demand way and Linux machine.


$ gem install ec2spec


$ ec2spec ssh -h host1 ... [options]


$ ec2spec ssh -h host1 host2 host3
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:25.814752 #64341]  INFO -- : Started: host1
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:25.814835 #64341]  INFO -- : Started: host2
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:25.814867 #64341]  INFO -- : Started: host3
E, [2018-08-12T20:54:25.826113 #64341] ERROR -- : Connection refused: host3
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:29.385848 #64341]  INFO -- : Finished: host1
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:37.560003 #64341]  INFO -- : Finished: host2
|               | host1       | host2               | host3 |
| instance_type |    t2.micro |          c4.2xlarge |   N/A |
|   instance_id |  i-xxxxxxxx |          i-yyyyyyyy |   N/A |
|          vCPU |           1 |                   8 |   N/A |
|        memory |       1 GiB |              15 GiB |   N/A |
| price (USD/H) |      0.0152 |               0.504 |   N/A |
| price (USD/M) |     11.3088 |             374.976 |   N/A |

The data of host3 could not be acquired due to a connection refused error.


-h, --host    Target hosts name.

--days        How many days per one month.

--format      Output format (default: plain_text).
              plain_text, json, hash, slack, markdown

--region      Region of EC2 (default: ap-northeast-1).

--unit        Currency unit.
              with --rate.

--rate        Dollar exchange rate.
              with --unit.

--calc_type   Calculate exchange currency rate type.
              api, manual
              with --app_id, --unit (if app)
                   --unit, rate (if manual)

--app_id      App ID of Open Exchange Rates
              with --calc_type, --unit

--debug       Output logs as DEBUG level.

--format (plain_text)

|               | host1       | host2       |
| instance_type |    t2.micro |  c4.2xlarge |
|   instance_id |  i-xxxxxxxx |  i-yyyyyyyy |
|          vCPU |           1 |           8 |
|        memory |       1 GiB |      15 GiB |
| price (USD/H) |      0.0152 |       0.504 |
| price (USD/M) |     11.3088 |     374.976 |

--format (json and hash)

{"host1":{"instance_type":"t2.micro","instance_id":"i-xxxxxxxx","vCPU":"1","memory":"1 GiB","price (USD/H)":0.0152,"price (USD/M)":11.3088},"host2":{"instance_type":"c4.2xlarge","instance_id":"i-yyyyyyyy","vCPU":"8","memory":"15 GiB","price (USD/H)":0.504,"price (USD/M)":374.976}}

--format (slack)

|               | host1       | host2       |
| instance_type |    t2.micro |  c4.2xlarge |
|   instance_id |  i-xxxxxxxx |  i-yyyyyyyy |
|          vCPU |           1 |           8 |
|        memory |       1 GiB |      15 GiB |
| price (USD/H) |      0.0152 |       0.504 |
| price (USD/M) |     11.3088 |     374.976 |

--format (markdown)

|               | stg-bastion | worker1     |
| instance_type |    t2.micro |  c4.2xlarge |
|   instance_id |  i-xxxxxxxx |  i-yyyyyyyy |
|          vCPU |           1 |           8 |
|        memory |       1 GiB |      15 GiB |
| price (USD/H) |      0.0152 |       0.504 |
| price (USD/M) |     11.3088 |     374.976 |

Exchange currency rate


Output JPY as exchange rate is 1 dollar 111 yen.

$ ec2spec ssh -h host1 host2 --unit JPY --calc_type manual


First, get App ID from

Output JPY with it.

$ ec2spec ssh -h host1 host2 --unit JPY --calc_type api --app_id xxxxxxxx

Note: Exchange rate is cached in ~/.ec2spec/oxr.json. If you want to refresh, you have to delete it.

As a library

> require 'ec2spec'
> hosts = %w[host1 host2]
> client =, 30, 'hash')
> result_json =
> puts result_json
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:25.814752 #64341]  INFO -- : Started: host1
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:25.814835 #64341]  INFO -- : Started: host2
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:29.385848 #64341]  INFO -- : Finished: host1
I, [2018-08-12T20:54:37.560003 #64341]  INFO -- : Finished: host2
=> {"host1":{"instance_type":"t2.micro","instance_id":"i-xxxxxxxx","vCPU":"1","memory":"1 GiB","price (USD/H)":0.152,"price (USD/M)":11.3088},"host2":{"instance_type":"c4.2xlarge","instance_id":"i-yyyyyyyy","vCPU":"8","memory":"15 GiB","price (USD/H)":0.504,"price (USD/M)":374.976}}


  • Ruby(MRI) 2.3.0 or higher



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.